Fri. Jan 31st, 2025

17 June 2022

Infographic – Who does what in the European Semester

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Today, the Council agreed its Country Specific Recommendations on the member states’ National Reform Programmes of 2022 and the Council opinions on the updated Stability or Convergence Programmes. This step is part of the 2022 European Semester programme, which enables member states to coordinate their economic, employment and fiscal policies.

Next steps

The European Council is expected to endorse the country-specific recommendations at its meeting on 24 June.

After that, the Council can proceed with the formal adoptions, which conclude the final stage of the 2022 European Semester process.


Introduced in 2010, the European Semester enables the EU member states to coordinate their economic, fiscal and employment policies throughout the year and address the economic challenges facing the EU.

The Commission assesses EU governments’ economic policies and budgetary strategies, based on national reform programmes and stability or convergence programmes provided each year in April.

On this basis, the Commission presents each country with a set of draft country-specific recommendations (CSRs) providing policy guidance on how to boost jobs and growth, while maintaining sound public finances.

The Council then adopts country-specific recommendations (CSRs) and opinions. It provides explanations in cases where the recommendations do not correspond with those proposed by the Commission.

The Council recommendations on the National Reform Programmes of 2022, and the Council opinions on the updated Stability or Convergence Programmes, can be found in the following documents:

Council recommendations on the National Reform Programmes 2022 to each member state, delivering Councio opinions on the updated Stability or Convergence Programmes

Council explanatory note accompanying document to Council recommendations to member states under the European Semester 2022

Commission recommendations

European Semester in 2022 (timeline)

European Semester (background information)

Visit the meeting page

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