Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet GERMANY

Official EE24 website:https://www.bundeswahlleiterin.de/europawahlen/2024.html

Other elections/referenda held the same day: No

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 96/96

Current government:SPD(S&D) /Grüne(Greens) /FDP(Renew) alliance


  • Obligatory vote: No
  • Number of constituencies: 1 (although constituencies of merely administrative interest or distributive relevance within a party list exist in Germany: 16 constituencies, only in the case of the CDU/CSU)
  • Preferential vote: No
  • Postal vote: Yes
  • Threshold to get elected: No
  • Day of EE24: Sunday 9 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 08:00 CEST
  • Closing time of polling stations: 18:00 CEST



  • Total: around 60.9 million German nationals, plus 4.1 million non-German EU citizens (February 2024)
  • Minimum age: 16


  • Lists (total): 35 political parties
  • Candidates (total): 1413
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 18

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation)(Inboldthose represented in outgoing EP)

  • CDU – Ursula von der Leyen (however, not a candidate for Parliament, only Spitzenkandidat for Commission)
  • CSU –Manfred Weber
  • SPD –Katarina Barley
  • FDP – Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann
  • Die Grünen –Terry Reintke
  • Die Linke – Carola Rackete und Martin Schirdewan
  • AfD –Maximilian Krah
  • Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Fabio di Masi und Thomas Geisel
  • Freie Wähler – Christine Singer

MEPs re-running(inboldlead candidate of list)


  • Jan Christian Ehler,
  • Michael Gahler,
  • Niclas Herbst,
  • Norbert Lins,
  • Christine Schneider,
  • Ralf Seekatz,
  • Sabine Verheyen,
  • Hans-Peter Liese,
  • Stefan Berger,
  • Dennis Radtke,
  • Lena Düpont,
  • Jens Gieseke,
  • David McAllister,
  • Andreas Schwab,
  • Axel Voss,
  • Daniel Caspary,
  • Monika Hohlmeier,
  • Markus Ferber,
  • Sabine Verheyen,
  • Manfred Weber,
  • Rainer Wieland,
  • Christian Doleschal,
  • Angelika Niebler;

EPP: Familien-Partei Deutschlands

  • Niels Geuking


  • Gabriele Bischoff,
  • Udo Bullmann,
  • Delara Burkhardt,
  • Matthias Ecke,
  • Jens Geier,
  • Bernd Lange,
  • Karsten Lucke,
  • Maria Noichl,
  • René Repasi,
  • Thomas Rudner,
  • Birgit Sippel,
  • Katarina Barley,
  • Tiemo Wölken


  • Svenja Hahn,
  • Andreas Glück,
  • Moritz Körner,
  • Jan-Christoph Oetjen

RENEW: Freie Wähler

  • Engin Eroglu

Greens: Die Grünen

  • Rasmus Andresen,
  • Jan Michael Bloss,
  • Anna Cavazzini,
  • Viola von Cramon-Taubadel,
  • Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg,
  • Daniel Freund,
  • Alexandra Geese,
  • Martin Häusling,
  • Sergey Lagodinsky,
  • Katrin Langensiepen,
  • Erik Marquardt,
  • Hannah Neumann,
  • Niklas Nienaß,
  • Jutta Paulus,
  • Terry Reintke,

Greens – Volt:

  • Damian Boeselager (Volt), Manuela Ripa (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei)

The Left: Die Linke

  • Martin Schirdewan,
  • Özlem Demirel


  • Lars Patrick Berg (Bündnis Deutschland)

Former ID, now Non-attached: AfD

  • Christine Anderson,
  • Gunnar Beck,
  • Markus Buchheit,
  • Maximilian Krah

Non-attached: DIE PARTEI

  • Martin Sonneborn


MEPs / % votes

  • CDU/CSU 29/28.9%
  • Grüne 21/20.5%
  • SPD 16/15.8%
  • AfD 11/11.0%
  • Die Linke 5/5.5%
  • FDP 5/5.4%
  • Freie Wähler 2/2.2%
  • Piraten 1/0.7%
  • Tierschutzpartei 1/1.4%
  • FAMILIE 1/0.7%
  • ÖDP 1/1.0%
  • DIE PARTEI 2/2.4%
  • Volt 1/0.7%



Source – EU Parliament


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