A lot has happened since the 2018 EU Blockathon, which initiated the Anti-counterfeiting Blockathon Forum – the ecosystem of a motivated, innovative community dedicated to solving the global phenomenon of fakes with the help of technology.
Based on the shared knowledge and expertise gained from these years, the EUIPO has decided to engage further to provide quality services for rights holders and public authorities with the aim of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.
In this context, the EUIPO has approved (as part of its plan for the next five years) a dedicated strategic project to build a scalable, decentralised, blockchain authentication platform. This would interconnect products’ ‘track and trace’ solutions with the risk analysis systems of enforcement authorities and existing EUIPO tools.
Over the past few months we have been preparing a comprehensive plan to design and implement such an authentication platform, which will start in spring 2021 with the launch of a design competition aimed at selecting the best proposals for a high-level architectural design for the future infrastructure.
We hope you will continue with us on this promising journey and encourage you to stay tuned for more details coming soon. In the meantime, please make sure to check out the new website dedicated to this project.