Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Brussels, 3 July 2024

The centre-right European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament has been constituted. Nicola Procaccini (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy) and Joachim Brudziński (PiS, Poland) were elected as co-chairmen. Assita Kanko (N-VA, Belgium), Hermann Tertsch (Vox, Spain), Alexandr Vondra (ODS, Czech Republic) and Charlie Weimers (Sverigedemokraterna, Sweden) were elected as vice-chairs, while Denis Nesci (Fratelli d’Italia) and Kosma Złotowski (PiS, Poland) were elected as co-treasurers. The ECR also welcomed Independent Estonian MEP Jaak Madison. This brings the number of MEPs in the group to 84.

Re-elected Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini commented:

The ECR Group will be the platform that stands up for the interests of Europe’s citizens. The European Elections of 2024 showed that voters want a European Union as it was originally conceived, where Member States came together to achieve a few important things that they could not achieve alone.

“We will advocate for a Union that respects European founding values, such as the traditional family, alongside the principles that have historically shaped Europe and our identity, which are grounded in Hellenistic, Roman and Christian traditions.”

His newly elected fellow Co-Chairman Joachim Brudziński said:

“For us Conservatives, respect for Member States, large and small, is central. As good patriots, we will continue to defend this in Brussels, and I am confident that we will be an effective and persuasive voice in the European Parliament.”


  • Nicola Procaccini (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy)
  • Joachim Brudziński (PiS, Poland)


  • Assita Kanko (N-VA, Belgium)
  • Hermann Tertsch (Vox, Spain)
  • Alexandr Vondra (ODS, Czech Republic)
  • Charlie Weimers (Sverigedemokraterna, Sweden)


  • Denis Nesci (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy)
  • Kosma Złotowski (PiS, Poland)

The composition of the ECR Group on 3 July 2024 is as follows:

  • FDI, Italy: 24
  • PiS / Suwerenna Polska, Poland: 20 (18 + 2)
  • PNCR / AUR, Romania: 6 (1 + 5)
  • Vox, Spain: 6
  • Independent MEPs from France: 4
  • LNNK / AS, Latvia: 3 (2 + 1)
  • N-VA, Belgium: 3
  • ODS, Czech Republic: 3
  • SD, Sweden: 3
  • Greek Solution, Greece: 2
  • LLRA – KŠS / LVŽS, Lithuania: 2 (1 + 1)
  • ADR, Luxembourg: 1
  • DD, Denmark: 1
  • DP, Croatia: 1
  • ELAM, Cyprus: 1
  • Independent, Estonia: 1
  • ITN, Bulgaria: 1
  • PS, Finland: 1
  • SGP, Netherlands: 1

Source – ECR Group (via email)


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