Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Strasbourg, 12 March 2025

  • MEPs welcome proposal for a 30-day ceasefire agreement and expect Russia to agree to it and cease all attacks on Ukraine

  • EU and its member states must significantly increase their assistance to Ukraine

  • Parliament welcomes a ‘coalition of the willing’ for a European-led enforcement of an eventual peace agreement

In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, Parliament says the EU is now Ukraine’s primary strategic ally and must help the country uphold its right to self-defence.

MEPs welcomed the proposal for a 30 day ceasefire, reached on 11 March. They expect Russia to agree to it and follow it by ceasing all attacks on Ukrainian civilian population, infrastructure and territory.

Following an “apparent shift” in the US position on Russia’s war of aggression, “which has included openly blaming Ukraine for the ongoing war”, the EU and its member states are now Ukraine’s primary strategic allies and must maintain their role as its largest donor, according to MEPs. To uphold Ukraine’s right to self-defence,(5) the EU and its member states must significantly increase their much-needed assistance to the country(5).

Empower Ukraine to resist and prevent further Russian attacks

In order to deter further Russian aggression, Parliament says the EU must contribute to robust security guarantees for Ukraine. The country must be empowered to reject hasty deals that weaken its security in the mid- and long-term and risk subjecting it and other European countries to renewed Russian aggression in the future (9). MEPs are deeply opposed to any attempts to blackmail Ukraine’s leadership into surrendering for the sole purpose of facilitating a so-called ‘peace deal’.(10)

The resolution also states there can be no negotiations on European security without the presence of the EU, and MEPs welcome the launch of a ‘coalition of the willing’ for the potential Europe-led enforcement of an eventual peace agreement (11). MEPs are dismayed by the US administration’s appeasement of Russia and targeting of its allies. (12)

Accelerate accession talks with EU

Ukraine’s future is as a member of the EU, MEPs insist, calling for the acceleration of accession talks. (19).

While urging the EU to prepare for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction with new funding, MEPs point out that Russia must pay for the massive damage caused in Ukraine. Russian sovereign assets immobilised under EU sanctions must be confiscated and used for Ukraine’s defence and reconstruction.(23)

Finally, Parliament calls for more effective sanctions to be imposed on Russia together with restrictive measures against any entity facilitating the circumvention of sanctions and providing the Russian military complex with military and dual-use technologies. (24)

The resolution was adopted by 442 votes in favour, 98 against and 126 abstentions.


Russische Vermögenswerte für den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine verwenden – EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU)

„Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten haben rund 200 Milliarden Euro an russischen Vermögenswerten eingefroren. Perspektivisch muss dieses Geld dem Wiederaufbau der Ukraine zugutekommen – das ist schlichtweg eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit“, so Markus Ferber, CSU-Europaabgeordneter und wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament anlässlich der heutigen Debatte im Europäischen Parlament zum Umgang mit eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten in der EU.

Verursacherprinzip anwenden

„Um die Kriegsschäden in der Ukraine auch nur im Ansatz zu beseitigen werden Milliardensummen nötig sein. Es gilt das Verursacherprinzip und das bedeutet, dass Russland zur Kasse gebeten werden muss. Die 200 Milliarden Euro an eingefrorenen Vermögenswerten sind gewissermaßen eine Anzahlung auf die russische Kriegsschuld“, erklärt Ferber.

Keine Sorgen hinsichtlich der Rolle des Euros

Bedenken, dass eine Nutzung der eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerte, die Rolle des Euros als Reservewährung beschädigen könnte, teilt Ferber nicht: „Bei den eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten handelt es sich um eine absolute Ausnahmesituation. Wenn die Hürde ist, dass man einen illegalen Angriffskrieg beginnen muss, damit staatliche Vermögenswerte konfisziert werden, hängt die Latte ziemlich hoch. Das wird das Vertrauen in den Euro und den Standort Europa nicht untergraben.“

Quelle – Markus Ferber


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