Brussels, 7 August 2023
We condemn Russia’s continued military presence in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in violation of international law and commitments undertaken by Russia under the 12 August 2008 agreement, mediated by the European Union. Local communities continue to suffer from humanitarian challenges and human rights violations, including through restrictions to the freedom of movement and illegal detentions. Obstacles for internally displaced persons and refugees to return to their place of origin, are persisting.
The European Union has been fully engaged in conflict resolution efforts, including as co-chair in the Geneva International Discussions and the efforts of the EU Special Representative. We call on all participants to engage constructively in the discussions to achieve the full implementation of the 12 August 2008 six-point agreement. We also underline the right of refugees and internally displaced persons to choose a sustainable solution, including a voluntary, safe and dignified return.
The continued presence of the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM Georgia) with over 200 civilian monitors has also contributed to the stabilisation of the security situation. With a mandate renewed for again until December 2024, the EUMM remains the only international mission on the ground to facilitate a safe and normal life for the local communities living on both sides of the Administrative Boundary Lines with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The European Union reconfirms its commitment to staying engaged in stabilisation and conflict resolution efforts in Georgia and reiterates its firm support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognised borders.
Source – EEAS