Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
EU family photo at the informal ministerial meeting on tourism in Palma. Source: EU Council Presidency

31 October 2023

Tourism ministers endorse joint declaration on the social sustainability of the sector in the European Union.

With the aim at ensuring thot Europe supports its action towards a new sustainable model for tourism, one that is greener, more digital, inclusive, resilient and responsive in order to face the upcoming challenges, which helps to contribute to further creation of employment and growth, and ensures long-term well-being of everyone in the value chain, especially the local populations,

The Member States of the European Union, meeting in Palma (Baleoric Islands) wish to invite the Commission to consider the need to:

  1. Support the Member States in their efforts to enhance a competitive, modern, high quality and sustainable tourism, based on the multicultural dimension of Europe and accessible to all in every European region.
  2. Ensure that tourism remains an ecosystem of priority in the EU. And support the progress of the EU Agenda for Tourism 2030, which builds on consensus and engage the participation of all relevant stakeholders for a future-oriented evolution of tourism. Encourage particularly sustainable tourism models thot ore based on the improvement of the social sustainability of the industry, on the cultural values of our destinations, and on the balanced distribution of its benefits.
  3. Continue working on Transition Pathway for Tourism and EU Agenda for Tourism 2030 call for action in advancing in the measurements of tourism in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – to improve sustainable tourism planning and management. In addition, to benefit from the active participation of EU actors in the international development of measurements for sustainable tourism, which involves the harmonization of data on the economic, social and environmental performance of tourism at the international, notional and destination levels.
  4. Reaffirm the transformative impact of technologies in tourism, taking advantage of the power of digitalization to promote sustainability and competitiveness in all related sectors, favouring access to digital infrastructures and facilitating the training of all workers. Encourage data sharing in a common European data space for tourism as a driver for growth and innovation for tourism SMEs as well as an enabler for more sustainable and competitive destination management.
  5. Develop and strengthen the EU tools for best practice sharing for the public sector and destinations, together with the private, academic and third-party sectors, to make tourism truly sustainable, focusing on the economic, social and environmental aspects and on the governance of the tourism sector.
  6. Promote the development of accessible and inclusive tourism to foster equal opportunities and access for all in the enjoyment of tourism activities as mentioned in the Transition Pathway for Tourism, the EU Agenda for Tourism 2030, and the European Strategy for the rights for persons with disabilities.
  7. Promote both in the tourism industry and among consumers, an efficient use of resources and move towards sustainable consumption and production modalities in order to contribute effectively to sustainable development, fostering good practices in balancing competitive development of tourism products and services, with the sustainable development of the territory with its residents and the needs of the tourism industry.
  8. Promote the competitive and sustainable growth of tourism, following the key strategic areas recognised within the European agenda for Tourism 2030. Ensure active collaboration with public and private tourism stakeholders to support the progress in sustainable, innovative and competitive tourism, with regular stock-taking of progress in the context of the Transition Pathway for Tourism and the EU Agenda for Tourism 2030.
  9. In this context, pay a special attention to the needs of the SMEs in the new digital economy, by ensuring fairness in the relations between the many tourist accommodation providers and the platforms on which they depend.
  10. Support EU tourism actors in developing their collaborations in the context of the EU Pact for Skills large-scale partnership for the tourism ecosystem, for upskilling, reskilling and initial education for tourism professions, especially aiming to support improving the attractiveness of tourism jobs, improving skills and opportunities for cross-border mobility, and high-quality education.


  1. Foster the competitiveness of the companies in this industry and create a favourable environment for their development, paying special attention to SMEs and microcompanies, and tourism actors in the outermost regions, rural and less accessible and depopulated areas.
  2. Encourage the creation of a propitious environment for the development of tourism initiatives thot will foster cooperation between Member States, in particular through the exchange of best practices and implementation of cross-border projects.
  3. Support the integrated approach to tourism in line with the Transition Pathway for Tourism and EU Agenda for Tourism 2030 by ensuring that MS policies and actions take into account the importance of the tourism ecosystem.
  4. Promote responsible and sustainable tourism, especially by ensuring development of comprehensive tourism strategies considering economic, environmental and social sustainability.
  5. Support research, knowledge and innovation in tourism by promoting the use of technologies and an efficient use of the European Tourism Data Space, aimed at improving the quality of the destination, experience, added value to all stakeholders and the competitiveness of European tourism with data sharing as a driver for innovation, growth and sustainability.
  6. Encourage tourism stakeholders to put the continuing well-being of local residents in the heart of tourism development, building on the unique cultural and natural assets of the destination in a responsible and sustainable way. Raise awareness and facilitate best practice exchange on sustainable tourism business models and destination management through national, regional and local networks.
  7. Support taking up and developing practices for measuring tourism sustainability regarding economic, environmental and social dimensions, at national, regional and destination levels as a tool for sustainable destination management and tourism strategy follow-up.
  8. Support establishing local and regional partnerships for skills development for the tourism workforces, both for upskilling and reskilling of current employees and jobseekers, as well as for initial education and training for young generation on green and digital skills, as well as strategic innovation skills for new sustainable and responsible tourism services.
  9. Seek collaboration between Member States by holding regular meetings of tourism ministers and state secretaries.

Palma Declaration

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Source – EU Council Presidency

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