Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Brussels, 21 March 2025

EU Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, the Rule of Law and Consumer Protection, Michael McGrath, is travelling to Budapest, Hungary next week, where he will meet with representatives of the government, the judiciary and with civil society and media stakeholders.

On Monday, 24 March, Commissioner McGrath will meet the Hungarian Minister of Justice, Bence Tuzson, the Minister for European Affairs, János Bóka, the President of the Supreme Court, András Zsolt Varga, the Prosecutor-General, Péter Polt, as well as the President of the National Judicial Council, Csaba Pecsenye. Discussions will focus on Hungary’s follow-up to the 2024 Rule of Law report

On Tuesday, Commissioner McGrath will meet with representatives of the projects funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme in Hungary. The Commissioner will also engage in a dialogue with civil society organisations and media stakeholders as part of the Annual Rule of Law Cycle, a yearly process that facilitates dialogue between the EU institutions, Member States, and stakeholders on rule of law developments.

Source – EU Commission


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