Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


Answer given by Executive Vice-President Timmermans on behalf of the European Commission

Africa needs to double its energy supply by 2040 /1 while ensuring access to electricity for 600 million people that currently still have no access /2. This entails resilient infrastructure, cleaner, more sustainable and secure energy access, maximising renewable energy sources, energy transition and efficiency across all value chains, as well as regional integration for energy

The European Commission recognised the interdependence of both continents as developed in the 2020 Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council, “Towards a comprehensive Strategy with Africa”.

Under its proposed action to “Partner with Africa to maximise the benefits of the green transition and minimise threats to the environment in full compliance with the Paris Agreement”, the Joint Communication proposes that the EU supports the implementation of the United Nations agenda 2030 and its sustainable development goals as well as the nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement.

Furthermore, the “EU should partner with Africa (…) on sustainable energy and energy efficiency through the launch of a ‘Green Energy’ initiative, building on the recommendations of the High Level Platform for Sustainable Energy Investments in Africa. The EU and Africa should also share experiences in managing a socially just transition away from fossil fuels.”

Preparatory work is well advanced for this initiative to be part of the comprehensive and multi-sector investment package decided by the EU Council on 15-16 October 2020, and to be presented at the next EU-Africa Summit.

/1 2020 Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council, “Towards a comprehensive Strategy
with Africa”. JOIN(2020) 4
/2 IEA World Energy Outlook 2020

See question(s) : E-000377/2021 Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Answer to a written question – Europe and Africa’s dependence on one another – E-000377/2021(ASW)

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