Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Brussels, 3 December 2024

On 29 December 2023, the Commission received Italy’s fifth payment request for €10.6 billion in grants and loans (net of pre-financing).

Italy’s fifth payment request concerns a total of 22 milestones and 30 targets.

It covers transformative reforms in areas including public procurement, frameworks for spending review, industrial property system, competition law, waste management and education, as well as follow-up measures to keep up the implementation efforts concerning the already adopted reforms in the areas of justice.

The request also covers important investments in areas including digitalisation and digital services for citizens, education and the construction of new schools, public transport, tourism, water infrastructure, the administrations of pensions and social security, as well as for the Ministries of Justice, Defense, Interior and the Council of State.

The Commission will now assess the request and will then send its preliminary assessment of Italy’s fulfilment of the milestones and targets required for this payment to the Council’s Economic and Financial Committee.

Italy’s overall recovery and resilience plan will be financed by €194.4 billion (€71.8 billion in grants and €122.6 billion in loans). More information on the process of the payment requests under the RRF is available in this Q&A. More information on Italy’s recovery and resilience plan is available here.

Source – EU Commission

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