Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Until today, already EUR 347 million of EU funding has been planned and used to support blockchain-related research and innovation.

In recent years, the European Commission has been active in exploring research and funding needs related to blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT).

This is an attempt to take stock of ongoing and ready-to-start European projects and pilots related to blockchain and DLT across Europe.

EU funded projects

Regarding research and innovation, the Commission, in particular through the Horizon 2020 programme, has funded several EU projects in which blockchain and DLT contribute to the emergence of new paradigms of trust as well as societal, technical and infrastructural solutions.  An example of the Horizon 2020 funded projects is the European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) action, which received a total of 7 million euros funding from the EC.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds the deployment of the EU’s blockchain service infrastructure (EBSI), including the use cases agreed under the EU Blockchain Partnership (EBP). The EBP consists of 27 EU Member States, Norway and Liechtenstein.

In 2019, the European Investment Fund (EIF) launched with the support of the European Commission, an AI and blockchain investment scheme to increase tech funding in Europe. EUR 100 million were made available to venture capitals supporting relevant technologies. The scheme was very successful and leveraged more than EUR 700 million in 2020 to be invested as venture capital funds in European start-ups. The scheme was complemented by other investment actions managed by EIF. Support to Venture Capital for deep tech, including blockchain, will continue during the period 2021-2027 with financial support provided by the European Commission through its new InvestEU programme.

EU Pilot projects

The Commission also manages EU Parliament pilot projects, which have resulted, for example, in the creation of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum.

The Commission has also set up EU prizes (e.g. the Blockchain for Social Good prize).

More projects and reports
Topics and technologies

For the purposes of this report, we have grouped EU-funded projects into these sectors:

  • Security (cyber security, data security, etc.)
  • Public services
  • Internet of Things and Next Generation Internet
  • Sustainability – Production, traceability, circular textiles etc.
  • Sustainability – Energy and Transport
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • 5G, AI and Big Data
  • Food security
  • Innovation support, studies etc.
  • Media and Social Media

Please note that the list mentioned above is not exhaustive and will evolve according to new projects identified and financed.

You can find more details in the document below:

Source – EU Commission

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