EN E-002184/2021 E-003053/2021
Answer given by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell on behalf of the European Commission
The promotion and the protection of human rights constitutes a core dimension of the EU’s engagement with Bahrain and the EU uses all available means at its disposal to address the human rights situation in the country.
Recent high-level exchanges between the EU and Bahrain, including the meeting between the High Representative/Vice-President and the Foreign Minister of Bahrain on 10 February 2021 in Brussels and between the EU Special Representative for Human Rights and Bahraini authorities on 21 May 2021, allowed for engagement on human rights issues.
Furthermore, during the latest EU–Bahrain human rights dialogue that took place on 22 February 2021, discussion focused on freedom of expression and association, the right to a fair trial, prison conditions, arbitrary detentions, allegations of torture and ill treatment. The meeting also allowed raising individual cases.
As a follow-up to the human rights dialogue, on 2 May 2021, the Head of EU Delegation to Bahrain, together with other diplomats and representatives of international organisations accredited to Bahrain, participated in a visit to the Jau prison, organised by the Bahraini authorities. The visit allowed for the EU to engage with the Bahraini authorities, prison staff as well as several inmates.
© European Union, 2021 – EP
Source: Answer to a written question – Human rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain – E-002184/2021(ASW)