Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
Brussels, 17 August 2022
See question(s) : E-001707/2022
Answer given by Ms Johansson
on behalf of the European Commission
1. The action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit, including the one responding to the events in Afghanistan, were developed jointly by the Commission and the European External Action Service pursuant to the June 2021 European Council conclusions, and subsequently presented to Member States at the meetings of the Council’s External Migration Working Party (EMWP).
These Action Plans are ‘living documents’ that will evolve over time. They are designed for the internal use of the EU and its Member States to help develop a common, strategic approach towards partner countries. The aim of this specific action plan is to reinforce actions to be taken in support of the Afghan people and with countries in Afghanistan’s neighbourhood. Humanitarian needs in Afghanistan are huge and resources are limited. The EU humanitarian response is ongoing, and it is guided only by the respect of the fundamental principles of humanity, independence, neutrality, and impartiality.
2. The Commission is committed to continue to fully inform the European Parliament on all aspects of migration policies, including in relation to its actions in Afghanistan and the region. The Commission will continue debriefing the Parliament about the evolving humanitarian situation on the ground and the adaptation of the EU humanitarian response.
3. The breakdown of Member States’ pledges for 2021-2022 for Afghans at risk is attached1. Member States reported to the Commission that almost 28 700 humanitarian admission arrivals took place as of April 2022, while resettlement has not yet started.

1 Overview of pledges for resettlement and humanitarian admission of Afghans, 2021-2022, Annex I.
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