Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

EN E-002344/2021

Answer given by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell on behalf of the European Commission


The European Union (EU) has repeatedly called on the Belarusian authorities to uphold their international commitments to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. The EU expressed that expectation within the statement issued by the High Representative/Vice President on 25 March 20211, in the context of further escalation of repression against the Belarusian people including the targeting of the Polish community.

The EU will continue to coordinate measures addressing the human rights situation in Belarus and exert pressure on the Belarusian authorities to release the leaders of the Union of Poles in Belarus that remain in custody, as well as all political prisoners and arbitrarily detained persons immediately and unconditionally. To this end, following the European Council Conclusions of 24-25 May 20212 adopted in response to the inadmissible actions of the Belarusian authorities of 23 May 20213, the EU imposed a fourth package of restrictive measures against 78 individuals and 8 entities4. The sanctions’ listings included those behind the hijack of the Ryanair plane. Restrictive measures in the form of targeted economic sanctions on the Belarusian economy5 were also adopted.

The EU has also promoted and announced its support to relevant accountability mechanismsand will continue to be at the forefront of efforts to bring accountability to perpetrators of the human rights abuses and justice to their victims. president-josep-borrell-targeting-union-poles_en representative-on-behalf-of-the-eu-on-the-forced-diversion-of-ryanair-flight-fr4978-to-minsk-on-23-may-2021/ over-enduring-repression-and-the-forced-landing-of-a-ryanair-flight/ economy/ president-eu%E2%80%99s-support-international-accountability_en

© European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Answer to a written question – Escalation of repression against the Polish minority in Belarus – E-002344/2021(ASW)

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