Brussels, 4 March 2024
One way to calculate greenhouse gas emissions
From well-to-wheel to life-cycle emissions
Free of charge public calculation tool
On Monday, MEPs on Transport and Environment Committees adopted a single EU methodology for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport services.
As transport companies currently choose different ways to count GHG emissions, there is a significant discrepancy in results. This may mislead consumers choosing transport services based on its environmental performance and create conditions for greenwashing, which MEPs want to prevent.
What is measured?
The draft rules, adopted by 58 votes to 19 and one abstention, do not oblige transport companies to calculate their GHG emissions, but if they choose to do it for reporting or marketing purposes, they should follow the provided methodology.
MEPs are conscious that current methodology is limited to calculating emissions stemming from the use of a vehicle (well-to-wheel) and does not count how much GHG emissions are produced from vehicles production, maintenance and disposal (life-cycle emissions). Therefore they ask the Commission within two years from the entry into force of new rules to present a methodology of calculating life-cycle GHG emissions of all transport modes and suggest the best ways to implement it.
Support for SMEs
In order to reduce the administrative and financial burden on companies wishing to calculate their emissions, in particular for small and medium companies (SMEs), transport and environment MEPs ask the Commission to develop a free of charge public calculation tool. They also want an access to European GHG emissions calculation standard be free of charge and suggest Member States to introduce financial incentives to stimulate the use of direct measurements of GHG emissions instead of estimates or default values.
Output data
The draft rules also set the common metrics that would represent GHG emissions and allow to easily compare it. For freight transport that would be CO2 emitted per tonne kilometre, for passenger transport – CO2 emitted per passenger kilometre. MEPs insist that his data should be disclosed in a clear and unambiguous manner and be substantiating by evidence available in a weblink or QR code.
EP rapporteur Barbara Thaler (EPP, AU) said:
“The regulation is a step in the right direction. For the first time Battery Electric Vehicles are not magically “zero-emission”. However, the production and recycling of a vehicle was omitted, therefore the regulation still gives an unfair advantage to Battery Electric Vehicles produced outside Europe. Without addressing the elephant in the room, the EPP cannot support this Regulation.”
EP rapporteur Pascal Canfin (Renew, FR) added:
“New rules will incentivise more transparency of GHG emissions in the transport sector. It will help consumers and businesses to make informed choices when it comes to transport options, therefore accelerating the decarbonisation of the sector.”
Next steps
The draft rules as amended by Transport and Environment Committees will now be put to a vote at an upcoming plenary session and will constitute Parliament’s position at first reading. The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the European elections on 6-9 June.