Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 24 November 2022

The Gas Storage Regulation sets an obligation for Member States to fill their gas storage facilities at 90% by 1 November 2023. To be well-prepared for winter next year, the Commission has published today target trajectories for the refilling of gas storage by Member States in 2023. A sufficiently filled EU gas storage contributes to security of supply and market stability, making our energy system more fit to face disruptions in supply and spikes in demand.

In an Implementing Regulation based on the EU Gas Storage Regulation, the Commission has established the trajectories for Member States to be able to reach the 90% gas storage target by 1 November 2023.

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson said: 

“It is key that we already start preparing for the winter of next year. We have to minimise the impact of Russian manipulations and possible hikes in demand due to weather or global market conditions. Setting a trajectory now for 2023 provides market operators with much-needed certainty and helps the EU go through next year’s winter safely.”

The Act defines the intermediate targets for February, May, July and September 2023 for those Member States that have underground storage on their territory. You can find more information here.

Source – EU Commission

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