Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority published today the Guidelines on the supervisory reporting regarding the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) to ensure the common, uniform and consistent application of the PEPP Regulation’s reporting requirements.

The Guidelines complement the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/895 and the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/896 and regulate the applicable reporting deadlines for the PEPP providers to the competent authorities in line with the relevant sectoral rules in place. Furthermore, the Guidelines define the requirements of a ‘PEPP supervisory report’, including the content of the narrative reporting on the PEPP business.

They are addressed to all PEPP competent authorities and are applicable from 22 March 2022.


About PEPP

PEPP is a standardised pension savings product, offering consumers a supplementary option to save for retirement, alongside existing public and occupational pension systems or national private pension schemes. PEPP is a simple, safe and reliable retirement savings option for the European citizens and is expected to be a powerful tool to close the pension savings gap. PEPP is a unique opportunity to offer consumers the participation in sustainable investments and the European Capital Market Union, whilst ensuring good pension outcomes and protection against downside market risk.

Source: EIOPA issues Guidelines on the supervisory reporting for the Pan-European Personal Pension Product

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