Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Following the adoption of a resolution by the European Parliament on future EU-US relations, the ECR Group has stressed the importance of shared common values and interests on both sides of the Atlantic. Foreign policy goals should be more closely coordinated in the future in view of the emergence of disruptive technologies and challenges levelled by actors such as Russia, China and Iran.

For the ECR Group, the EU and the US are natural allies, representing almost 1 billion people and approximately one third of the world’s GDP. For the ECR Group, it is essential that the transatlantic bond realises its full potential as trusted global partners.

Speaking after the vote, ECR Shadow Rapporteur Witold Waszczykowski said:

“Relations with the US remain the primary external relationship that the EU must preserve. Together, the EU and the US can shape the international environment in a manner consistent with democratic values.

“This is also why we put our confidence in NATO – a transatlantic alliance with a proven track record, vast operational capabilities and a battle tested command structure.”

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