Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

On Tuesday, MEPs will take a detailed look at the proposed Digital Green Certificate, the aim of which is to ensure the freedom of movement within the EU during the pandemic.

Commissioner for Justice, Mr Didier Reynders will present the proposal tabled on 17 March, which the Commission hopes to introduce for the start of Europe’s summer tourism season.

The Certificate would constitute proof that a person has been either vaccinated against COVID-19, received a negative test result, or already recovered from the disease. The document should be free, and available in digital or paper format.

Privacy of personal and medical data

In order to assess the data protection implications of the proposed Certificate, MEPs will also discuss on Tuesday with the European Data Protection Supervisor, Mr Wojciech Wiewiórowski, who will present the joint opinion by the EDPS and the European Data Protection Board on the Commission’s proposal.

During the 24 March’s plenary debate with Commission and Council representatives, a majority MEPs supported the swift creation of the Digital Green Certificate. However, in doing so many emphasised the need for strong data protection safeguards on personal and medical data. MEPs also warned that those who have not been vaccinated must not face discrimination.

When: Tuesday, 13 April, from 10.25 to 12.00.

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak building (room 1A002) and per video-conference.

You can follow the meeting live.


Plenary agreed on 25 March to deal with the legislative proposals on the Digital Green Certificate under the Parliament’s urgent procedure (Rule 163), which allows for faster parliamentary scrutiny of Commission’s proposals, while fully respecting the Parliament’s democratic prerogatives. MEPs are expected to adopt their mandate for negotiations with the Council, which may include amendments, in the next plenary session (26-29 April).

Source: Press release – Digital Green Certificate: MEPs to review Commission proposal

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