Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

On Saturday, 6 November, Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis will participate in a virtual high-level dialogue on sustainable trade, climate and nature in the context of the COP26.

The dialogue will address the following question: How can cooperation on trade support climate action and sustainable development? In addressing this question, speakers will focus on three key themes: multilateral approaches and the role of international organisations; opportunities for trade ministers to support action on climate mitigation and adaptation; and stakeholder perspectives on opportunities to align climate and trade agendas and strategies to build cooperation. 

Other speakers participating in the dialogue include Andrés Valenciano Yamuni, Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica; Sandra Husbands, Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Barbados; Damien O’Conner, Minister for Trade and Export Growth of New Zealand; and James Shaw, Minister of Climate Change of New Zealand.

You can join the live stream via this link.

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