Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Brussels, 26 February 2025

EPP Group supports the Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan

The EPP Group calls for structural changes, not short-term market interventions, to bring energy prices down. To make industrial production clean, it must be competitive. That is why the EPP Group supports the Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan, which the European Commissions presented today, designed to make energy more affordable for businesses and consumers.

Christian Ehler MEP, EPP Group spokesman for Industry and Energy, stresses the importance of these plans: “European industry is paying far more for energy than other major players in the world. Our goal is clear: lowering energy bills while implementing reforms to prevent future price shocks like the energy crisis in 2022. To achieve this, we need to tackle energy prices, network costs, levies and energy taxes”.

“But we must be realistic: prices will not go down structurally immediately. Lowering energy prices requires continued action across all levels, from the EU down to each municipality, over the course of several years. Although short-term market interventions seem like they might cure the symptoms, they will not help us in the long-term. The EPP will stand firmly against those interventions, which leftist and right parties are calling for. We must urgently act on the only realistic short-term relief measure for businesses and citizens: lower energy taxes, which are way too high across Europe”, Ehler continues.

“The Clean Industrial Deal finally delivers the first brick towards building the business case for European businesses on their way to decarbonisation. I welcome that it pulls all the necessary levers, from access to capital and cheaper energy to support measures for decarbonisation”, Ehler explains.

However, he calls for courageous choices. “We must think broadly: in the short-term, it will not be possible to simultaneously achieve all three goals of a competitive economy, climate ambitions and environmental goals – we must prioritise, and not shy away from difficult decisions. Climate protection is a generational task. For the EPP Group, climate and competitiveness take clear priority. And a further simplification of environmental legislation beyond the forthcoming omnibus efforts must not be a taboo. We have to consider whether some environmental legislation from the past mandate is adequate”, Ehler emphasised.

Source – EPP Group


S&Ds on Clean Industrial Deal: Affordable energy prices are key to EU reindustrialisation

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament welcome the Clean Industrial Deal – the EU Commission’s plan for the reindustrialisation of Europe – adopted by the College of Commissioners today. Revitalising European industry will only be possible if energy bills are brought down, as this will have a significant impact on households and the creation of new jobs throughout the EU. The Socialists and Democrats call for the creation of leading markets for climate-friendly materials and clean technologies through targeted procurements. Furthermore, circularity could improve the competitiveness of European industry worldwide through investments in recycling, the substitution of virgin raw materials and clear product requirements. The S&D Group reminds the European Commission that the decarbonisation of our economy and industry has to remain the principle driver of European competitiveness. In this regard, the Socialists and Democrats call on the Commission to maintain a high level of ambition when it comes to the emission-reduction goals.

Mohammed Chahim, vice-president of the S&D Group for the Green Deal for Industry, Energy and Climate, said:

“In order for the EU to revitalise its industry and jobs, we urgently need short-term measures to protect both citizens and industries from high electricity prices, to ensure stable energy markets and prevent speculation-driven price volatility. The S&D Group has long been advocating for this, even before Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and its impact on energy prices. We have to remove all the obstacles hindering the progress towards clean energy. We call for greater transparency and monitoring of electricity traders and energy commodity markets. In addition, decoupling fossil fuel prices from electricity prices is essential for reforming energy markets, reducing price shocks, and providing consumers with better protection. A cap on electricity prices would also offer greater security against price surges.

“EU industry can only be sustainable if we are energy resilient. We have to improve market integration and boost the production and use of renewable energy through investments in energy infrastructure, interconnections and grid reinforcement. We call for the extension of market correction mechanisms to better prepare for future energy crises.

“Our Group welcomes the efforts of the European Commission to deal with persisting problems for industries aiming at decarbonisation. Among these problems are the slow process of issuing permits for production in many member states and difficulties with access to EU money. The efforts of the Commission in this regard include EU funding for technical assistance for industry, and incentives for less bureaucracy at national level in the permitting process. We also welcome initiatives that reduce taxes for energy intensive industries that decarbonise their production. Every person, community and business should benefit from the clean and just transition – and this needs to deliver quality jobs, empower people and provide financial assistance to citizens to access core clean products. In this sense, it is critical to facilitate the subsidised leasing of electric cars, heat pumps and other clean technologies.

“An effective use of state aid policy and boosting private investments will also be key for EU reindustrialisation. The EU state aid rules have to support a real European industrial strategy by providing a predictable legal environment. It has to aim at the acceleration of green investments and the reduction of inequalities within the EU while enhancing European competitiveness. As many EU member states have limited public resources, our Group calls for the assessment of the Temporary Crisis and Transitional Framework under EU state aid rules. We need measures to bring high energy prices down, reduce energy consumption and aid the green transition – without fragmenting the Internal Market.

“We would like to see more commitment from the European Commission on monitoring the implementation of existing legislation – for example, the Energy Efficiency Directive; the Renewable Energy Directive; the Revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. This legislation can be a key driver for investments in the context of the Clean Industrial Deal.”

Source – S&D Group


Renew Europe calls for a transformative Clean Industrial Deal

Ahead of the European Commission’s forthcoming presentation of the Clean Industrial Deal, Renew Europe, led by President Valérie Hayer, expresses strong support for a competitive and sustainable European industrial sector. Renew welcomes the proposal’s focus on reducing energy costs, facilitating state aid, and strengthening trade defenses whilst keeping our climate ambitions high.

A Green and Competitive Industry

Renew Europe believes the Clean Industrial Deal is a crucial step toward ensuring that European industries remain both innovative and resilient in the global market. The group supports measures that enhance competitiveness while accelerating Europe’s green transition.

Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe, said:

“Europe must lead the industrial renewal by making our industries more competitive while staying true to our climate commitments.”

Simplify to accelerate

Commenting on the eve of the release of the so called Omnibus proposals which will revise the InvestEU program as well as reporting obligations for companies, Valérie Hayer said:

“We expect the Commission to show that simplification means achieving our policy goals faster and in a simpler, cheaper way.”

Renew Europe will nonetheless carefully scrutinise the texts when they arrive in Parliament to make sure that the EU’s standards remain high.

A Clear Commitment to Climate neutrality

Renew Europe also expects to see a clear commitment to have a 90% reduction target achieved by 2040:

“If it does, then we’ll have reassurances that this is a ‘stay on course’ Commission”, President Hayer concluded.

Source – Renew Europe


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