Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Brussels, 21 October 2022

High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell will travel to Latin America, the third time of his current mandate, starting in Uruguay on 24 October and continuing to Argentina from 25 October. His mission aims to further strengthen both bilateral and regional relations, in particular through co-chairing the EU-CELAC Foreign Ministers Meeting which will pave the way for further high-level bi-regional engagement in view of a summit next year.

In Uruguay, the High Representative will meet President Luis Lacalle Pou on 24 October – with press remarks planned at 10:30 GMT-3 – Vice President Beatriz Argimon, as well as Foreign Affairs Minister Francisco Bustillo, following which a joint press statement is planned. HR/VP will also deliver a speech at the IV EU-Uruguay Investment Forum.

In Argentina, HR/VP Borrell will meet Foreign Affairs Minister Santiago Cafiero on 25 October(press remarks planned at 16:30 +/-), and later that day President Alberto Fernandez.

On 26 October, HR/VP will attend the Ministerial meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and have several bilateral meetings with Foreign Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States member countries. On the same day, he will also meet Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. On 27 October, HR/VP will co-chair the third meeting of EU-CELAC Foreign Ministers together with Argentina’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Santiago Andres Cafiero, as pro-tempore President of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). It is the first meeting in this format since 2018. Ministers will discuss ways to strengthen the EU-LAC partnership including through high-level events on shared thematic priorities leading to a bi-regional Summit of Heads of State and Government to take place in 2023. A press point in the context of the CELAC meeting is planned that day. Finally, on 28 October HR/VP will visit Bariloche, to launch the biggest EU initiative on human rights and in support of civil society so far in the country.

Source – EEAS

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