Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

Brussels, 11 September 2024

In a new paper published today, BusinessEurope has stressed that the EU must use the new legislative cycle to reboot its trade agenda. BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said:

“During the next institutional cycle, we call on EU leaders to adopt a trade agenda that is proactive, creative and forward-looking. To rebalance the focus placed in recent years on its defensive toolkit, the EU must develop an ambitious diversification strategy.

This requires a creative approach, as one size does not fit all when it comes to the EU’s trading relationships. The EU should pursue a new generation of bilateral arrangements with third countries, proposing a wide range of options and instruments to partners. This should include: fully-fledged trade agreements, sectorial agreements for willing sectors, partnerships on digital, critical raw materials or regulatory cooperation, and initiatives under the Global Gateway. The EU must tailor its approach to the level of development of partner countries and reduce ambition when necessary. A more extensive use of ‘cumulation of rules of origin’ for willing sectors should also be considered, along with open trade agreements that allow third countries to join.

Relations with our two most important trading partners – the United States and China – will also play a crucial role in ensuring the EU’s future competitiveness. Regarding the Transatlantic relationship, the costs of doing business across the Atlantic should be reduced, for example, via a mutual recognition agreement on conformity assessment. When it comes to China, the EU should be assertive and united in protecting its economic interests. At the same time, there must be continued engagement with China on foreign policy, trade and investment.

Finally, the EU must remain committed to the WTO and work to ensure its sustainability into the future. Despite its challenges, the WTO remains a safety net for companies that depend on a rules-based and enforceable trade regime to operate.”


To read and download BusinessEurope’s full publication, click here.


Further position papers published by BusinessEurope:

Evaluation of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive – BusinessEurope’s comments in response to the call for evidence



    Third-party litigation funding (TPLF): contribution to the European Commission study



      Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 on European Standardisation – BusinessEurope’s response to the public consultation



        Priorities for the EU transport sector beyond 2024 – a BusinessEurope position paper



          European Commission proposals to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU – a BusinessEurope position paper



            Better regulation in the new legislature – a BusinessEurope position paper



            Fitness Check on the Directive on Administrative Cooperation in the field of direct taxation – BusinessEurope’s response to the Call for Evidence for an Evaluation



              Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future – EU Business Joint Declaration



                EU environmental policy – BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029



                  EU circular economy policy – BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029



                    EU sustainable finance – BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029



                      EU research and innovation – BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029



                        Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10: Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation



                          Energy and climate transition: How to strengthen the EU’s competitiveness



                            Budapest declaration – BusinessEurope’s Council of Presidents



                              First-stage consultation of European social partners on possible EU action in the area of telework and workers’ right to disconnect – BusinessEurope response



                                Priorities for the future of the EU state aid framework



                                  EU Action Plan on Labour and Skills shortages – a BusinessEurope position paper



                                    Industry calls on the Council of the European Union to establish a certain and pragmatic framework under the Green Claims Directive



                                      Business views on a European economic security strategy – a BusinessEurope position paper



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