Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Brussels, 14 March 2022

The Commission has approved the disbursement of more than €2 billion under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve to a group of 12 Member States. This decision will make available a total of €819.2 million by the end of March 2022 and the rest by April 2023. This funding will help the economies of the Member States in mitigating the adverse impact of Brexit on their economies and regions, through support to regions and economic sectors, small and medium sized companies as well as job creation and protection, such as short-time work schemes, re-skilling, and training.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said:

Brexit has had a negative impact on many people’s lives within the EU. The Brexit Adjustment Reserve was set up and adopted in record time to help Member States mitigate the adverse economic, social and territorial consequences of Brexit. Now it is up to Member States to make the best use of the available funding to support regions, local communities, citizens and small and medium businesses to diversify their activities, keep jobs and reskill the workforce where necessary.

The pre-financing instalment under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve will be allocated to the following Member States:

The Member States may use the funding until 31 December 2023 to cover expenses incurred and paid since 1 January 2020.

Next steps

The Commission stands ready to quickly process the Brexit Adjustment Reserve decisions for the remaining Member States, to ensure they can receive support from the Reserve and it calls on the remaining Member States to notify the Commission without delay pursuant to Article 14(1)d of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Regulation.


Brexit has a negative impact on all Member States, but in different ways, as some Member States, regions, sectors, or local communities are more affected than others. The Brexit Adjustment Reserve of €5.4 billion has beenput in placeto support all Member States with a strong focus on those most affected. The financial contribution from the reserve to a Member State will be implemented under shared management. It does not need advanced programming or planning of measures and provides flexibility in the implementation in line with the subsidiarity principle. The Regulation establishing the reserve entered into force on 6 October 2021.

Ireland and Italy were the first Member States for which funding from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve was disbursed, in December 2021. By the end of March 2022, 14 Member States will have received their first instalments of their pre-financing.

For More information

More about the Brexit Adjustment Reserve

Brexit Adjustment Reserve Regulation


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