Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Helsinki, 17 January 2024

A total of 19 candidates applied for the post of Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service by the deadline. The post will be filled for a maximum term of five years. The Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is appointed by a government plenary session.

The following candidates have applied for the post:

  • Janne Kilpi
  • Petri Knape
  • Kai-Tom Koivunen
  • Jouni Kolehmainen
  • Asko Kopra
  • Ville-Petteri Kujansuu
  • Jan Kuokkanen
  • Kari Kuusisto
  • Henri Käpyaho
  • Jarmo Laine
  • Buhir Marekowic
  • Peter Marks
  • Juha Martelius
  • Ekku Raikamo
  • Joni Reiman
  • Sven Saxén
  • Pasi Spets

In addition, two candidates did not want their names published.

The Director of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is in charge of the operations of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service and ensures its general operating conditions. The Director agrees with the Ministry of the Interior on the performance targets and appropriations of the Service and establishes the operational strategy and the priorities of the activities. The Director is also responsible for operationally important development projects, international contacts and stakeholder cooperation.

The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service uses civilian intelligence collection methods to gather information on phenomena that seriously threaten Finland’s national security and is responsible for identifying, detecting and preventing schemes that threaten state and social order or internal or external security. It must also maintain and develop general readiness to identify and prevent any actions that could threaten the safety and security of society.

Source – Finnish Government

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