Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Reducing pollution in EU groundwater and surface waters

MEPs want the EU watch lists – which contain substances posing a significant risk to human health and the environment – to be updated regularly to keep pace with new scientific evidence and new chemicals. They also want a subset of specific PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as “forever chemicals”) as well as the PFAS total (parameter which includes the totality of PFAS with a maximum concentration) to

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Donations and treatments: New safety rules for substances of human origin

MEPs adopted the report on new rules governing the use of so-called substances of human origin (SoHO) in the EU, with 483 votes in favour, 52 against and 89 abstentions. The measures apply to substances – such as blood and its components (red/white cells, plasma), tissues and cells – used for transfusions, therapies, transplantations or medically assisted reproduction.

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WEF: How much progress is being made on the UN’s SDGs?

While the decline in SDG progress is universal, poorer countries are being disproportionately affected by the consequences, largely due to a lack of representation on the global stage, the UN warns. The number of people in extreme poverty is rising for the first time in a generation and is on track to reach 575 million by 2030.

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EMCDDA: First EUPC training in English for Caribbean countries

Today, 21 experts from eight Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname) are embarking on a five-day online European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in English. This is the first time that the EMCDDA is delivering an EUPC training course in the language for this region.

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Finland signs statement to support healthcare in Ukraine 

The Third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen was held in Kyiv on 6 September 2023 on the invitation of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine. The summit also brought together health ministers from EU Member States and WHO European Region who signed a statement at the event. The statement draws attention to how the health workforce – its capacity, wellbeing, professionalism and commitment – is the cornerstone of

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Switzerland: The immune cell influencer

Humans have about 1000 billion immune cells. Some of them patrol the blood and are summoned by messenger substances to wherever there is a fire. Masses of immune cells, for example, act as specialized scavenger cells, so-called macrophages, and go wherever infectious agents invade or foreign objects interfere. Tumors, however, have the ability to evade macrophage attacks: They send out signals that literally rob the phagocytes of their appetite.

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Finland: ECSR delivers decision on rights of persons with disabilities in COVID-19 response in spring 2020

In December 2020, a non-governmental organisation filed a complaint with the Committee that argued, among other things, that the Finnish Government had failed to adopt appropriate measures to protect the life and health of persons with disabilities during the pandemic. According to the complaint, the authorities also did not provide persons with disabilities with accessible information or guidance in accessible formats. In addition, the complaint considered that the prohibitions on

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Speech by EU Council President Michel at the Bled Strategic Forum

“Solidarity — this is what reinforces the fabric of a community. Solidarity — this is what gives us the power to stand strong against life’s greatest challenges, and this same solidarity is at the very heart of European integration. It makes our European Union stronger. So you won’t be surprised that today I want to talk about solidarity. And I want to talk about enlargement.”

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Finland: OSH enforcement strengthens sustainable and fairer working life

Occupational safety and working conditions are an important part of the sustainability and competitiveness of Finland’s economy. In order to ensure the availability of labour, attention must be paid to the working conditions of vulnerable groups of workers (such as young people, those at the end of their careers, employees whose functional capacity has changed, foreign workers, employees with impaired capacity to work, temporary agency workers). Based on enforcement observations,

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ECDC: Diphtheria cases in Europe – epidemiological update

During late summer 2022, intelligence data reported to ECDC indicated that the majority of cases in 2022 were diagnosed in migrant-related facilities, with onward transmission documented in a few instances in migrant-related-facilities (see Eurosurveillance article on cases in Germany and Switzerland). ECDC is not aware of any evidence indicating outbreaks in the broader EU/EEA population resulting from the cases identified in these settings.

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ECDC: Classification of new SARS-CoV-2 variant of interest and increase in COVID-19 transmission

ECDC has classified all XBB.1.5-like lineages with additional amino acid change F456L as variants of interest. This due to a rapid increase in the proportion of these variants presently in circulation, which may have immune-escape properties compared to the variants which were previously in circulation. Epidemiological indicators also show an increase in COVID-19 transmission in the EU/EEA and abroad, following several months of very low rates of infection. There is

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Use of UK plasma for the manufacture of albumins and vCJD risk

The vCJD safety of using UK-sourced plasma for the manufacture of albumin medicinal products was considered. Based on current epidemiology, manufacturing process capability, expert advice and information collected for previous reviews, it was concluded that UK-sourced plasma can be used for the manufacture of albumin medicinal products, in addition to the already approved use for the manufacture of immunoglobulins.

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A Swiss premiere Proton radiotherapy to treat oesophageal cancer

A 67-year old patient presenting with oesophageal cancer was treated today at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI with a form of radiation provided by protons, i.e. positively charged particles. This is the first time this type of radiotherapy has been used in Switzerland to treat an oesophageal tumour. The five-week course of treatment is part of a European clinical trial involving both PSI and University Hospital Zurich. Medical researchers are

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pollution, oil, containment

Insight EU Environment Monitoring Summer Break Summary 7 – 12 August 2023

Diluted European Sustainability Reporting Standards Raise Greenwashing Concerns +++ NATURAL DISASTERS: Extreme weather conditions: EU mobilises assistance for Slovenia and Cyprus +++ President von der Leyen travels to Slovenia to express support amidst unprecedent floods +++ FORESTRY: State aid: Commission approves €350 million Finnish scheme to promote sustainable forest management +++ OIL POLLUTION: Yemen: UN concludes removal of one million barrels of oil from decaying tanker.

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UN Security Council: UK on humanitarian access in Sudan 

The humanitarian impacts are made worse by credible evidence to suggest serious violations of International Humanitarian Law by both the SAF and RSF, which could amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. This includes, as we’ve heard, incidents of sexual violence and air strikes in populated areas resulting in heavy loss of civilian life. There are also credible reports of the targeted killing of civilians and atrocities against specific

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WEF: TB deaths, immunization, and other health stories 

The recovery in immunization rates has not been equal globally, however. Progress in well-resourced countries with large infant populations, such as India and Indonesia, masks slower recovery, and in some cases a continued decline, in most low-income countries. This is particularly the case for measles vaccination.

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