Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



State aid: EU Commission approves €308m Irish scheme to support investments in afforestation

The scheme is aimed at supporting the expansion of the Irish national forest estate on both public and private land, to deliver lasting benefits for the climate, biodiversity, wood production, economic development, employment, and quality of life. The target of the scheme is to reach 18% forest cover in Ireland by the end of 2027 (compared to 11.6% today) by establishing 8.000 hectares of new diverse, multifunctional and climate-resilient forests

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t shirt, fashion, drawing

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 31 July 2023

G20 climate and environment ministers stand united in their commitment to create a sustainable and resilient future +++ POSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT adopted at first reading on 14 March 2023 with a view to the adoption of Decision (EU) 2023/… of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision (EU) 2015/1814 as regards the number of allowances to be placed in the market stability reserve for the Union

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spheres, carbon dioxide, clouds

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 28 July 2023

Adoption of the Commission Decision on the Union-wide quantity of allowances for 2024 +++ Simon Stiell: In the Face of Climate chaos, the G20 Must Show Leadership +++ EU Commissioner Sinkevičius participates in G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Ministerial Meeting.

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 27 July 2023

UNFCCC: Simon Stiell and Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Leadership by the G20 is Indispensable +++ UN Secretary-General’s press conference on climate +++ CLIMATE LITIGATION: UNEP: Climate Litigation Report reveals spike in cases demanding action +++
CLIMATE RISK INSURANCE: EIOPA research sheds light on why households and businesses are reluctant to take out NatCat insurance.

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ECB: Press conference by Christine Lagarde and Luis de Guindos

The outlook for economic growth and inflation remains highly uncertain. Downside risks to growth include Russia’s unjustified war against Ukraine and an increase in broader geopolitical tensions, which could fragment global trade and thus weigh on the euro area economy. Growth could also be slower if the effects of monetary policy are more forceful than expected, or if the world economy weakens and thereby dampens demand for euro area exports.

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 26 July 2023

The IPCC elects Jim Skea as the new Chair +++ CLIMATE CHANGE: Building a Climate-Resilient Future: New guidelines to help EU countries update their climate adaptation strategies +++ Building a climate-resilient future – background

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sea, ocean, boat

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 25 July 2023

IPCC: Opening Remarks by IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee 59th Session of the IPCC, 25-28 July 2023, Nairobi +++ EU GREEN DEAL: The Council approves three measures to advance the green transition under the “Fit for 55” framework, e.g. the FuelEU Maritime Regulation and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation +++ UNECE: Forests and climate change: An Oscar-winning alliance – Michelle Yeoh on the UN Forest Podcast.

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Building a Climate-Resilient Future: New guidelines to help EU countries 

From extreme heatwaves and devastating droughts, to deadly forest fires and rising sea levels eroding coastlines, the inevitable impacts of unchecked climate change are well known and starting to manifest themselves. The latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report underlined the urgency to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Today’s guidelines aim to help Member States upgrade their preparations for this emerging reality of rapidly

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map of the world, people, group

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 24 July 2023

COP28 and IEA convene first high-level dialogue on building a 1.5°C-aligned energy transition +++ CLIMATE MIGRATION
Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the International Conference on Development and Migration +++ IPCC gathers in Nairobi to elect the new Bureau.

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FuelEU: EU Council adopts new law to decarbonise the maritime sector

The main objective of the FuelEU maritime initiative, as a key part of the EU’s Fit for 55 package, is to increase the demand for and consistent use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector, while ensuring the smooth operation of maritime traffic and avoiding distortions in the internal market.

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sun rays, sunset, storm

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 21 July 2023

GREENS/EFA: Position paper on Europe’s water crisis +++ SCHEER: Minutes of the WG meeting on the update of the guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices of 13 July 2023 +++ EFSA: Safety evaluation of the food enzyme pectinesterase from the genetically modified Aspergillus niger strain PME +++ EU COUNCIL REGISTER: Directives for negotiations with the United States of America for an agreement

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climate change, climate, drought

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 20 July 2023

The European Banking Authority consults on draft templates and template guidance to prepare its one-off Fit-for-55 climate risk scenario analysis +++ Extended validity of the German auction platform listing +++ Accelerating Inclusive Climate Action Remains Urgent – UNFCCC

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Chile/France: Meeting between Catherine Colonna and her counterpart 

In the context of the visit by Gabriel Boric, President of Chile, and his scheduled meeting with President Macron on Friday 21 July, Catherine Colonna, France’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, had a meeting today with Alberto Van Klaveren, Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. They discussed the global challenges (climate and environment, war in Ukraine) and regional crises on which Chile and France hold similar views, and the highlights

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renewable energy, environmentally friendly, concept

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 19 July 2023

Horizon Europe: EU Missions on track to meet their 2030 ambition towards a greener and healthier continent +++ Questions and Answers on EU Missions towards a greener and healthier continent +++ State aid: EU Commission approves €3 billion German scheme to support private investments in strategic goods to foster the transition to a net-zero economy.

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heat, heatwave, climate change

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 18 July 2023

IPCC to elect its new Bureau at the next session in Nairobi +++ Heatwaves show importance of health early warnings and action plans +++ EU and global partners reaffirm their commitment to tackling methane emissions from the natural gas value chain +++ Joint statement on ‘Accelerating methane mitigation from the LNG value chain’

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Greener and healthier Europe: EU Missions on track to meet their 2030 ambition

Given the potential of the Missions instrument to galvanise change, and the fact that the New European Bauhaus initiative already shares several characteristics with EU Missions, the Commission today begins the preparatory phase for a dedicated new EU Mission, following the same process as for the first five. This includes the appointment of a Mission Board, and the drafting of a Mission Implementation Plan, both of which will help define

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 17 July 2023

UNFCCC: A strong outcome at COP28 Is Crucial for Climate Action and the SDGs +++ WMO is monitoring potential new temperature records +++ Extreme heat, rainfall highlight need for more climate action +++ Chile: EIB to finance climate action projects in Chile with more than €300 million including its first green mortgage loan outside Europe

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Insight EU Climate Monitoring 14 July 2023

Paris Agreement Supervisory Body: Readying key procedural package to operationalize the New Paris Agreement Mechanism +++ Ozone: Parties to the Montreal Protocol meet in Bangkok to prepare for key decisions to be taken in Nairobi +++ Remarks by U.S. Vice President Harris on Combatting Climate Change and Building a Clean Energy Economy

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Ecuador: Signature of MoU for stronger bilateral relations with the EU

Today, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Foreign Minister of Ecuador Gustavo Manrique, signed in Brussels, in the presence of the President of the Republic of Ecuador Guillermo Lasso, and on the occasion of the EU-CELAC Summit, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the agenda for enhanced political and sectoral dialogue and cooperation for the next decade.

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storm, farm, house

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 13 July 2023

EU Commission and UN leaders to discuss closer cooperation at High-level dialogue in Brussels +++ Press statement by President von der Leyen with UN Secretary-General Guterres ahead of the European Commission-United Nations Retreat +++ WMO: Extreme heat, rainfall highlight need for more climate action +++ European Supervisory Agencies (ESMA, EIOPA, EBA) publish responses regarding their call for evidence on greenwashing

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