Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



Insight EU Climate Monitoring 29 August 2023

STAFF CHANGES: Statement from President von der Leyen on the composition of the College and the next EU Climate Commissioner from The Netherlands +++ The Left: Hoekstra cannot possibly fill Timmerman’s shoes +++ Implementing Clean Energy Transitions – Focus on road transport in emerging economies +++ The Conservative: World economy affected by extreme weather events +++ PIK: Abrupte Veränderungen der Nordatlantikumwälzung in der Vergangenheit hatten Auswirkungen auf das globale Klimasystem

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The EIB in Asia and the Pacific

The European Investment Bank has been actively supporting long-term investment projects in Asia and the Pacific for over 30 years in support of EU priorities notably related to climate action, the efforts taken to combat climate change and its impacts. Some of the impacts of EIB-support projects in the Asia and the Pacific region include, sustainable cities, housing and transport, access to drinking water, energy efficiency, among others. The EIB

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cement, concrete, factory

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 28 August 2023

CLIMATE RISKS: What your insurer is trying to tell you about climate change – Belfer Center +++ Videokonferenz mit Peter Liese (EVP/CDU) zur Dekarbonisierung der Industrie am Beispiel der Zementindustrie +++ Resignation of Frans TIMMERMANS, Executive Vice-President, as Member of the Commission.

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fire, field, firefighting

Wildfires: Biggest rescEU aerial firefighting operation in Greece

To tackle the biggest wildfires ever recorded in the EU, the Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre has mobilised 11 firefighting planes and 1 helicopter from the rescEU reserve, stationed in 6 Member States. In addition, 6 European countries have contributed with 6 ground forest fire fighting teams via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. So far, over 81,000 hectares have been burnt in Greece’s Alexandroupolis region. This wildfire is the largest

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hail, precipitation, hailstones

Insight EU Climate Monitoring Summer Break Summary 21 – 25 August 2023

Executive Vice-President Timmermans resigns; Vice-President Šefčovič will take over his duties +++ S&Ds confirm claim to climate portfolio as Dutch government set to nominate controversial Commissioner candidate +++ WMO: Extreme weather is the “new norm” +++ Greater Horn of Africa is forecast to get above-average rainfall +++ UNECE Air Convention report shows biological recovery from acidification in freshwater environments in Europe

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Speech by EU Council President Michel at the Bled Strategic Forum

“Solidarity — this is what reinforces the fabric of a community. Solidarity — this is what gives us the power to stand strong against life’s greatest challenges, and this same solidarity is at the very heart of European integration. It makes our European Union stronger. So you won’t be surprised that today I want to talk about solidarity. And I want to talk about enlargement.”

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European Forum Alpbach: UN SG calls for radical rethinking of approaches to peace and security

Greetings to everyone gathered in beautiful Alpbach! Since your first meeting in 1945, this Forum has become a unique space for reflection and action across generations, geographies, and disciplines. Today, you are meeting at a time of great tension and turmoil. War has returned to the European continent with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And all around the world, old and new conflicts rage on.

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EU Commission: Executive VP Timmermans resigns, VP Šefčovič takes over his duties

Today, following his decision to be a candidate in the forthcoming general election campaign in the Netherlands, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans has submitted his resignation as Member of the European Commission. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has expressed her gratitude to Executive Vice-President Timmermans for his many years of successful work for the Commission and the European citizens and accepted this resignation with immediate effect.

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UN: From Death Valley to the Swiss Alps, extreme weather records hit new heights

As sweltering conditions continue to grip large parts of Europe, temperatures have “reached new heights” in Switzerland, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned on Tuesday. Speaking in Geneva, WMO spokesperson Clare Nullis said that a new altitude record for the freezing point had been set a day earlier, climbing to 5,298 metres (17,381 feet) – well above Europe’s very highest peaks including Mont Blanc, at 4,811 metres (15,784 feet).

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rescEU: EU mobilises five additional airplanes for Greece

As new devastating wildfires burn in different areas of Greece, the EU is swiftly mobilising additional firefighting resources to aid the ongoing efforts of Greek firefighters. Five rescEU firefighting airplanes stationed in Croatia, Germany and Sweden, and one Blackhawk helicopter, 58 firefighters and nine water tanks from Czechia are on their way to Greece today. This assistance comes in addition to the aerial and ground means from Cyprus and Romania

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biking, street, flood

Insight EU Climate Monitoring summer break summary 14 – 18 August 2023

ETS: Feedback periods on ETS implementing legislation closing soon +++ Eurostat: EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -3% in Q1 2023 +++ UNECE: Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Climate Change-related Statistics 2023 +++ WMO: July 2023 brought record-high temperatures, devastating floods across the U.S. +++ WMO publishes global update of climate datasets +++ NOAA update predicts above normal hurricane season.

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Switzerland: ‘Green Transition’ needs enhanced action

Climate change discussions often overlook the central role played by the excessive extraction and use of natural resources. The topic, however, will be the central focus of two events being hosted back-to-back in Geneva in September: The World Resources Forum 2023 with Empa, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the International Resource Panel, and the UNEP Global Intergovernmental Meeting on Minerals and Metals.

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cyclone, catarina, hurricane

Insight EU Climate Monitoring Summer Break Summary 7 – 12 August 2023

Enhancing National Capabilities to Track Progress Against Climate Change +++ Indigenous Youth Can Boost the Transition to a More Sustainable world +++ Copernicus confirms July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded +++ WMO Strengthens Global Cooperation to Protect All Lives from Flash Floods +++ Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS): Advancing Women in Meteorology and Hydrology +++ NOAA predicts hurricane season to ‘above normal’

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UK: International Aviation Climate Ambition Coalition

The International Aviation Climate Ambition Coalition was launched at the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow. Through this declaration, member states of the coalition commit to working together to support the adoption of an ambitious global goal for international aviation CO2 emissions by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

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Coping with climate shocks: Food security in a spatial framework – IMF working paper

In the model, households endogenously respond to negative climate shocks by drawing-down assets, importing food and temporarily migrating to earn additional income to ensure sufficient calories. Because these coping strategies are most effective when trade and migration costs are low, remote households are more vulnerable to climate shocks. Food insecure households are also more vulnerable, as their proximity to a subsistence requirement causes them to hold a smaller capital buffer

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First recovery, then stagnation: Biodiversity in European bodies of water

In the scientific journal Nature, an international team including a member of Eawag published a study on the state and development of biodiversity in European inland waters, based on invertebrates. In their study, appearing today, they show that biodiversity in river systems from 22 countries has increased significantly since 1968. However, this positive trend has stagnated since 2010 and many river systems have not been able to regenerate fully. The

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UK: Industry and government aim at building a world-leading energy sector

Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps today hailed the “immense opportunities” available for companies and communities as the UK continues to invest in renewable and other clean technologies and strengthen national energy security. At an industry roundtable in Downing Street today (Wednesday 2 August) energy firms across renewables, oil and gas and nuclear all outlined projects worth as much as up to £100 billion, to be built across the UK over

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Extreme weather conditions: EU mobilises assistance for Slovenia and Cyprus

In response to Slovenia’s request for assistance to deal with flood damage, France is sending two excavators with engineering units, and Germany will be sending two prefabricated bridges, two excavators and respective personnel. The EU’s Copernicus satellite mapping has so far produced several maps of the affected areas and a Liaison Officer from the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre is already on site.

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UK: FSD Africa invests £10m in Nigeria’s climate infrastructure

FSD Africa Investments, in partnership with InfraCredit, have invested £10m into a first-of-its-kind risk-sharing backstop facility, designed to unlock local currency funding for sustainable infrastructure development in Nigeria. The Risk Sharing Backstop Facility (RSBF) will address the challenge of low credit enhancement by mobilising local institutional investment via bonds into viable early-stage or green-field climate-aligned infrastructure projects.

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