Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Global Governance Reform: Address by EU HR Josep Borrell at the G20 Ministerial meeting

“How can we be credible, to reinforce our commitment to the United Nations Charter and international law, when Russia has started and continues a brutal, illegal and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine? How can we say that we are committed to the United Nations Charter when, in the Middle East, so many resolutions of the United Nations have been unfulfilled, for many years?” – EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

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The EU Commission and Ukraine met for their 3rd Cyber Dialogue

During the dialogue, the EU and Ukraine underlined their strong commitment to the UN framework of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, grounded in the application of international law and norms of responsible state behaviour. They agreed to further strengthen cooperation on cyber diplomacy in international fora.

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NATO: Summary of the 75th Anniversary Washington Summit

“At this Summit, we are turning a corner and putting in place the foundations for Ukraine to prevail. Allies have agreed to launch NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine with a command in Germany, logistic hubs in the eastern part of the Alliance, and around 700 personnel. NATO will coordinate the training of Ukrainian forces at facilities in Allied countries, plan and coordinate the provision of donations, manage the

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Hungary opposes Ukraine mission: “NATO should win peace, not wars”

Viktor Orbán reminded that NATO was started 75 years ago with the aim of protecting the security of its members. Today, however, it seems to have moved away from its original purpose, behaving more and more like a war organization. One of the signs of this is that NATO is taking an increasingly active role in the Russian-Ukrainian war, he added.

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Ukraine Compact: Declaration of support

The Ukraine Compact affirms that the security of Ukraine is integral to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region and beyond, and that we intend to support Ukraine until it prevails against Russia’s aggression.

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ukraine, ukraine flag, ukranian flag

Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Council by the Heads of State and Government

“Russia’s war against Ukraine has shattered peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and has had a profound impact on the safety, security, and welfare of billions of people around the world. Russia has not shown any genuine openness to a just and lasting peace. Allies welcome and support President Zelenskyy’s continuous commitment to advance a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace through his Peace Formula and the Peace Summit process,

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NATO Summit: Speech by EU HR Josep Borrell at the EU Defence night

“For us, it is a matter of strategic responsibility. We know, we are fully aware, we are convinced that we have to improve the capacity of our armies, of our defence, in order to be able to defend ourselves. Not as an alternative to NATO – there is no alternative to NATO for the territorial defence of Europe – but to make NATO stronger and to share the burden” –

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Hungarian PM Orbán and Ukrainian President Zelesnkyy shake hands

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán’s visits to Kyiv and Moscow – and the EU’s clarification

A visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Russia has triggered tensions between the European Union and Hungary that had just taken over the EU Council Presidency on 1 July 2024. According to newly appointed EU High Representative Kaja Kallas, Orbán “is exploiting the EU presidency position to sow confusion. The EU is united, clearly behind Ukraine and against Russian aggression”.

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