Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



Background on the EU Parliament Agenda on 13 June 2023

Around 13.00, immediately after the voting session, MEPs will discuss with Commissioners Vestager and Breton a proposal for a new set of landmark rules to mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence (AI) and promote its ethical use. On Wednesday, Parliament will adopt its negotiating position ahead of discussions with the Council on the final form of the legislation, with a press conference after the vote.

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EU-ISS: In the shadow of war – Moldova’s quest for stability and security

Moldova, a country located between Ukraine and Romania, was not given much attention until spring 2022. When it did make headlines, it was typically due to the 2014 banking fraud or the separatist pro-russian area called Transnistria, the dark zone of tourism destinations in eastern Europe. However, this has changed: After Russia invaded Ukraine, Moldova has started playing a new geopolitical role which is analyzed in this in-depth EU-ISS analyses.

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Russia’s Strategic Failure in Ukraine – U.S. Secretary Antony J. Blinken

“Where Putin aimed to project strength, he’s revealed weakness. Where he sought to divide, he’s united. What he tried to prevent, he’s precipitated. That outcome is no accident. It’s the direct result of the courage and solidarity of the Ukrainian people and the deliberate, decisive, swift action that we and our partners have taken to support Ukraine.”

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