Wed. Oct 16th, 2024



EU Commission steps up protection of children from unsafe toys

Today, the Commission proposed a Toy Safety Regulation revising the current rules to protect children from potential risks in toys. Toys put on the EU market are already among the safest ones in the world. The proposed rules will further improve this protection, in particular from harmful chemicals. They also aim at reducing the high number of unsafe toys that are still sold in the EU, especially online, increasing the

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Israel: EEAS Spokesperson on the developments related to the judicial reform

The European Union calls on the Israeli government to continue to seek a broad consensus and aim for a process that is inclusive. It is important to reach a compromise which would be acceptable for the Israeli citizens and political parties. The ongoing debates and demonstrations are a sign that a considerable part of the Israeli population is concerned about the reforms and that Israel is a vibrant democracy.

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Building a Climate-Resilient Future: New guidelines to help EU countries 

From extreme heatwaves and devastating droughts, to deadly forest fires and rising sea levels eroding coastlines, the inevitable impacts of unchecked climate change are well known and starting to manifest themselves. The latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report underlined the urgency to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Today’s guidelines aim to help Member States upgrade their preparations for this emerging reality of rapidly

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State aid: EU Commission approves €5bn Czech scheme to support energy producers affected by Russia’s war 

The European Commission has approved a €5 billion (CZK 125 billion) Czech scheme to support large energy producers in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis Framework adopted by the Commission on 23 March 2022, based on Article 107(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU’), recognising that the EU economy is experiencing a serious disturbance.

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Mergers: EU Commission opens investigation for possible breach of notification requirement in Vivendi/Lagardère transaction

The European Commission has decided to open a formal investigation to determine whether, when acquiring Lagardère, Vivendi breached the notification requirement and “standstill obligation” set out in the EU Merger Regulation, as well as the conditions and obligations attached to the Commission’s decision to clear the Vivendi/Lagardère transaction.

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Bulgaria: EU Commission approves a new geographical indication – ‘Bulgarsko kiselo mlуako’

‘Българско кисело мляко / Bulgarsko kiselo mlyako’ is a soured milk product made from raw milk obtained from sheep, cows, buffalos, goats or a mixture thereof produced in Bulgaria, and a symbiotic starter from the bacteria Lactobacillicus delbrueckii ssp.bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus not subjected to genetic modification. It is characterised by a specific fresh, lactic acid flavour and aroma, which is due to 34 types of aromatic substances (acetaldehyde, acetone,

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European Green Deal: Energy, maritime, and alternative fuel regulations adopted

Under the revised legislation, the EU will have to reduce final energy consumption by 11.7% by 2030, compared to 2020. The European Parliament and Member States agreed to almost double the annual energy savings obligation at national level. This will drive energy savings in critical sectors such as buildings, industry and transport. The updated Directive also puts a stronger focus on alleviating energy poverty and empowering consumers.

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ECI: EU Commission acts to accelerate phasing out of animal testing 

The Commission welcomes the initiative and acknowledges that animal welfare remains a strong concern for European citizens. It highlights the leading role of the EU in phasing out the use of animals in testing and improving animal welfare in general. This is especially reflected in the full ban of animal testing for cosmetics, which has been in place in the EU since 2013.

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Norway: Second Norwegian financial contribution to the EPF

On 14 February, the Norwegian government announced its decision to support the assistance measure for Ukraine through the European Peace Facility with a voluntary financial contribution of NOK 250 million (approximately €22 million). Today’s signature formalises this decision and ensures that the agreement can enter into force and Norway can effectively contribute to the supply of military equipment for Ukraine.

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Chips Act: EU Council gives its final approval

The Chips Act aims to create the conditions for the development of a European industrial base in the field of semiconductors, attract investment, promote research and innovation and prepare Europe for any future chip supply crisis. The programme should mobilise €43 billion in public and private investment (€3.3 billion from the EU budget), with the objective of doubling the EU’s global market share in semiconductors, from 10% now to at

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FuelEU: EU Council adopts new law to decarbonise the maritime sector

The main objective of the FuelEU maritime initiative, as a key part of the EU’s Fit for 55 package, is to increase the demand for and consistent use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector, while ensuring the smooth operation of maritime traffic and avoiding distortions in the internal market.

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EU Council adopts energy efficiency directive

All member states will contribute to achieving the overall EU target. They will set indicative national contributions and trajectories towards reaching the target in their integrated national energy and climate plans (NECPs). Draft updated NECPs were due in June 2023 and final plans will be due in 2024.

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calendar, date, time

Insight EU Agenda: Upcoming EU events 24 – 30 July 2023

Due to the summer recess of most EU institutions, we are pausing our weekly Insight EU Agenda mailing until 25 August 2023: Meetings of EU Commission Members +++ EU Parliament Agenda +++ Informal meetings of EU ministers +++ Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies +++ ECB schedule of public activities +++ EU Comitology meetings

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