Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



Hong Kong: EU HR on the adoption of new national security legislation

The ‘Safeguarding National Security Bill’ could exacerbate the erosion of fundamental freedoms and political pluralism in Hong Kong brought about, in particular, by the National Security Law adopted on 30 June 2020. Moreover, the bill has the potential to significantly affect the work of the European Union’s Office, the European Union Member States’ Consulates-General, and could impact European Union citizens, organisations and companies in Hong Kong. This also raises questions

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Anti-SLAPP: Final green light for EU law protecting journalists and human rights defenders

Today the Council adopted a law to protect persons who speak out on matters of public interest against abusive lawsuits meant to silence them. Persons targeted by so called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), typically journalists and human rights defenders, will benefit from a number of procedural safeguards and measures. These safeguards and measures will apply to manifestly unfounded claims or abusive court proceedings in civil matters with cross-border

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Reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice adopted

The Council today gave its final green light to the reform of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, aimed at ensuring more effective administration of justice by the Court of Justice and the General Court. The reform has been undertaken in the context of a steady increase in the number of cases brought before the Court of Justice. It takes advantage of the capacities of

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EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by DPI and PI

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture by Deutsche Post International B.V. (‘DPI’) of the Netherlands and Poste Italiane S.p.A. (‘PI’) of Italy. The transaction relates primarily to the postal sector, in particular to the development of a parcel locker network in Italy for the delivery of small parcels.

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Spain submits a request for a targeted revision of its recovery plan 

The Spanish recovery and resilience plan consists of €163 billion, of which €79.8 billion in grants and €83.2 billion in loans. It includes 595 milestones and targets, 111 reforms and 142 investments. To date, the Commission has disbursed more than 30% of the funds allocated to Spain under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, i.e. more than €38 billion, which includes pre-financing. More information on Spain’s recovery and resilience plan can

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European Humanitarian Forum announces pledges of over €7.7bn for global crises

The third edition of the European Humanitarian Forum concluded today in Brussels, co-organised by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the EU. At the Forum, EU Member States together with the European Commission announced the planned humanitarian funding of more than €7.7 billion for 2024, as a concrete expression of global solidarity and of the EU’s leading role in humanitarian action.

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Merger investigation: EU Commission sends Statement of Objections to Kingspan

In March 2021, Kingspan notified to the Commission its plan to acquire Trimo. Both companies are producers and distributors of mineral fibre sandwich panels. In April 2021, the Commission opened an in-depth investigation into the transaction. In March 2022, it issued a Statement of Objections outlining its concerns that the proposed transaction could negatively affect competition in certain building materials markets, leading to higher prices, reduced quality or less choice

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Mergers: EU Commission clears acquisition of Petrocargo and Hempelmann Wittemöller by Petronord

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Petrocargo Mineralöllogistik GmbH (‘Petrocargo’) and Hempelmann Wittemöller GmbH by Petronord GmbH & Co. KG, all three of Germany. The transaction relates primarily to the market of retail sale of energy products. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the limited impact on the market structure.

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The EU and the Philippines resume free trade negotiations

Today, the EU and the Philippines officially announced the resumption of negotiations for an ambitious, modern and balanced free trade agreement (FTA) – with sustainability at its core. Trade agreements such as these are a cornerstone of the EU’s economic security, opening new opportunities for businesses and consumers, strengthening supply chains and promoting sustainable trade practices. An FTA with the Philippines, a booming economy of 115 million people in the

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Europol: Three arrested in Spain following migrant deaths at sea

A joint operation between the Spanish National Police (Polícia National) and the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil), supported by Europol, has led to the arrests of two men and a woman in Cádiz and Granada. The suspects carried out migrant smuggling activities, which resulted in deaths. The presumed members of the smuggling network allegedly facilitated the travel of migrants, in boats, between Kenitra (Morocco) and Cádiz (Spain). The joint investigation

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Wholesale energy markets: EU Council adopts law to protect against market manipulation

The wholesale energy market in the European Union is now better protected against market manipulation. The Council today adopted a new regulation that will reinforce market surveillance in the European Union and ensure open and fair competition in the wholesale energy markets.
The regulation sets the basis for increased market transparency and integrity, enhancing the public’s trust in the functioning of wholesale energy markets.

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Green diplomacy: EU Council conclusions reaffirm the EU’s commitment to work closely with partners 

In its conclusions, the Council reiterates the gravity of the accelerating triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, which poses a global and existential threat and aggravates existing security concerns. The Council also expresses grave concern about the harm to the climate and the environment, in addition to the immense human suffering, caused by ongoing armed conflicts worldwide. Russia’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against

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Strategic autonomy: EU Council gives its final approval on the critical raw materials act

The CRMA introduces clear deadlines for permit procedures for EU extracting projects, allows the Commission and member states to recognise a project as strategic, requires supply-chain risk assessments, requires member states to have national exploration plans and ensures the EU’s access to critical and strategic raw materials through ambitious benchmarks on extraction, processing, recycling and diversification of import sources.

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Tourism: EU Council gives its final approval to the regulation for short-term rentals

The new rules introduce harmonised registration requirements for hosts and short-term rental properties, including the granting of a unique registration number to be displayed on property websites and online platforms. Hosts will submit simple information to obtain this registration number, which will be required to provide short-term accommodation rental services. Online platforms will have to provide information regularly to a single digital entry point in the member states on the

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EU-Chile: EU Council gives final endorsement to bilateral trade agreement

This agreement focuses on trade and investment liberalisation, exclusively within the EU’s competence, while investment protection provisions are covered by the broader Advanced Framework Agreement (AFA), which is still in the ratification process within the member states. The iTA will expire when the AFA, after ratification by all member states, enters into force. The agreements aim to update the current EU-Chile association agreement and will strengthen EU-Chile political and economic

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The EU and Switzerland launch negotiations to deepen bilateral relations

President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd launched today the negotiations on a broad package of measures to deepen and expand the EU-Switzerland relationship. The two mandates authorise the EU Commission and Switzerland to negotiate a package as outlined in the Common Understanding, endorsed by the Swiss Federal Council and the European Commission in November 2023.

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Europol: 42 arrested for smuggling migrants across the Danube

A cross-border investigation led by the Romanian Border Police (Poliția de Frontieră), supported by Europol and involving the Bulgarian General Directorate Combating Organised Crime (Главна Дирекция Борба с организираната престъпност) and the German Police (Bundespolizeiinspektion Waidhaus), has resulted in the dismantling of an organised crime group involved in migrant smuggling. The group were smuggling migrants from Bulgaria to Romania, across the Danube river, and then toward Western Europe.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of Lawson by Mitsubishi and KDDI

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Lawson, Inc (‘Lawson’) by Mitsubishi Corporation (‘Mitsubishi’) and KDDI Corporation (‘KDDI’), all of Japan. The transaction relates primarily to the retail sale of daily consumer goods. The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the limited impact on the European Economic Area. The notified transaction was examined under the

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EU Commission clears creation of joint venture by IP and EV Asset Holdings

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture (‘IPlanet’) by Italiana Petroli S.p.A. (‘IP’) and EV Asset Holdings S.p.A, all of Italy. The transaction relates primarily to the installation and operation of ultra-fast public charging stations for electric vehicles off-motorways in Italy, as well as to the provision of subscription services for public charging stations for electric vehicles.

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