Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



Background on the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg

Home affairs ministers attempt to reach agreement on a draft regulation to protect children from sexual abuse online. They will discuss the overall state of the Schengen area, the application of the Schengen acquis in Bulgaria and Romania, and the planned entry into operation of the Entry/Exit System. EU Justice ministers will exchange views on the EU’s antiracism action plan, the fight against drug trafficking and organised crime, and the

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-399/22 (Confédération paysanne)

Faced with an implicit refusal to issue that order, the Confédération paysanne initiated an action before the French Council of State, which referred several questions relating to the interpretation of EU law to the Court of Justice. In her Opinion, Advocate General Tamara Ćapeta first explains that the territory of Western Sahara is regarded by the European Union and the international community as constituting a distinct and separate territory from

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EU Court of Justice: Advocate General’s Opinion in Joined Cases C-778/21 P and C-798/21 P (Commission, Council, Front Polisario)

In her Opinion, Advocate General Tamara Ćapeta proposes that the Court reject these appeals and uphold the General Court’s judgment to annul the Council’s decision. However, Advocate General proposes to base that annulment on different reasoning. First, the Advocate General explains that the people of Western Sahara have no official or recognised representative to bring an action on their behalf. However, Front Polisario fights for one of the three possible

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment of the Court in Case C-10/22 (LEA)

In its judgment, the Court replies that, in so far as the national legislation at issue does not allow independent management entities established in another Member State to provide their copyright management services in Italy, it constitutes a restriction on the freedom to provide services. Although that restriction may in principle be justified by the overriding objective of protecting intellectual property rights, it is not proportionate, as it generally and

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment of the Court in Case C-76/23 (Cobult)

An airline passenger reserved a flight from Fortaleza (Brazil) to Frankfurt am Main with a scheduled connection in Lisbon, to be performed by the company TAP Air Portugal (TAP). That connecting flight was cancelled. To obtain reimbursement of the cost of the cancelled flight, TAP offered a choice to passengers: either immediate reimbursement by travel voucher by filling in an online form, or reimbursement by other means, for example a

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EU Court of Justice: Judgment of the Court in Case C-61/22 (Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden)

A German citizen is disputing before a German court the refusal by the City of Wiesbaden to issue him with a new identity card which does not have his fingerprints inserted into it. The German court asked the Court of Justice to review the validity of the EU regulation which lays down the obligation to insert two fingerprints into the storage medium of identity cards. Following an in-depth examination, the

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Europol: 9 arrested in hit against holiday-rental fraudsters

Europol supported the Romanian Police (Politia Romana) and the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional) in an operation that led to the arrest of nine scammers engaged in the publishing of fake advertisements for cheap holiday rentals. Although this sort of cyber fraud is not new, the level of sophistication exhibited by the gang involved in this case is unprecedented, and a multifaceted investigation was required to crack the case.

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EU Commission prepares for pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews

This document contributes to the ongoing discussion process about the internal reforms the EU will need to make to prepare for an enlarged Union. It looks at the implications of a larger EU in four main areas – values, policies, budget and governance – laying the ground for the pre-enlargement policy reviews announced by President von der Leyen in her 2023 State of the Union address. The EU must deepen

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EU Commission takes action to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU

The EU’s 2014 Quality Framework for Traineeships set out 21 quality principles to ensure high-quality learning and working conditions. In its 2023 evaluation of this Council Recommendation, the Commission found that it had a positive impact on the quality of traineeships in the EU. However, the Commission’s evaluation also found room for improvement and both the Conference on the Future of Europe and the European Parliament called on the Commission

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EU Commission disburses first €4.5bn of bridge financing to Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility

The Commission has disbursed the first €4.5 billion of support under the EU’s new Ukraine Facility. Through this exceptional bridge financing, the EU is providing much needed liquidity to Ukraine, to help finance the functioning of the state, such as public wages, pensions, and the provision of basic public services, so that the country can continue focusing efforts on winning the war. Today, Ukraine has also submitted its official Ukraine

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ECDC issues recommendations for strengthening emergency and pandemic preparedness planning

PHSMs refer to non-pharmaceutical measures implemented in community settings to abate the spread of infectious disease. These constituted the primary public health response during the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, notably before medical countermeasures including vaccines became widely available. In future pandemics PHSMs may again be relied upon to reduce disease transmission and mitigate detrimental health impacts.

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“Parliament 2024”: One step closer to reforming EU Parliament’s internal rules

Seeking to increase Parliament’s responsiveness, MEPs want to introduce special public hearings to put questions to Commissioners on issues of major political importance on the one hand, andad hocplenary sessions on the other, during which no voting sessions may take place. A special session will be expected to be held with the Commission President or selected Commissioners, without a pre-defined theme, once per plenary. MEPs also want to enhance democratic

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Deal to extend trade support for Ukraine with safeguards for EU farmers

On Wednesday, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on extending trade liberalisation measures for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s war of aggression. The temporary suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU will be renewed for another year, until 5 June 2025, to support Ukraine amidst Russia’s continuing war of aggression.

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EU financial support for increased ammunition production in Sweden

This initiative is the third track in a comprehensive effort to increase the production of artillery ammunition and enable continued support to Ukraine. The work is being carried out within the framework of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) and led by the Defence Materiel Administration. The Nordic countries have already signed a cooperation agreement and placed orders to enable donations of ammunition to Ukraine.

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Norway donates NOK70m to refugees and migrants

During the meeting, the foreign minister and Pope signed an agreement for NOK 30 million over two years for IOM’s work in North Africa. This agreement is part of a Nordic collaboration with IOM and the EU to help find lasting solutions for the many migrants in countries in North Africa. The support also goes to local communities hosting large groups of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants. In addition,

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