Brussels, 26 February 2025
The European Commission has decided today to appoint Christiane Canenbley as Director of Directorate B at the Directorate-General for Budget. This DG is responsible for managing the budget of the European Union, and therefore proposes and implements the financial framework, as well as collects the resources that EU countries have agreed to contribute. The date of effect will be determined later.
Ms Canenbley, a German national, brings almost 20 years of experience at the European Commission. Over the last 4 months she has been acting Director of Directorate B at DG BUDG, responsible for the preparation, negotiation and implementation of the Commission proposals for the Multi-Annual Financial Framework. Preciously she had been Political Adviser of President Jean-Claude Juncker, responsible for the preparations of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the Digital Single Market and the Single Market.
In addition, during the last mandate, Ms Canenbley was a Deputy Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Vestager, and later moved to DG BUDG where she became Principal Adviser to the Director-General on Strategic technologies (STEP). Over her first years at the European Commission, she held several positions at DG AGRI, including managerial ones where, among others, she looked at the impact of socio-economic development on EU agriculture.
Prior to joining the European Commission, Ms Canenbley worked as a researcher at the University of Hamburg.
Source – EU Commission