Luxembourg, 17 June 2024
Chair: Alain Maron, Minister for Climate Transition, Environment, Energy and Participatory Democracy of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region
European Commission representatives: Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra and Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius
At the Environment Council meeting, EU environment ministers will be invited to reach a general approach on three proposed directives: the targeted revision of the waste framework directive, the green claims directive and the soil monitoring directive. They will also be invited to approve conclusions on the mid-term review of the 8th environment action plan.
Ministers will hold a policy debate on the Commission communication on the EU’s 2040 climate target and exchange views on the Commission communication on climate risk management.
Under ‘other business’, the presidency will inform ministers about the ongoing legislative work on two regulations: the regulation on preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution and the regulation on end-of-life vehicles.
The presidency and the Commission will brief ministers on the state of play of the negotiations on an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4).
Under non-discussion items, the Council is expected to adopt a decision for the EU to conclude the ‘High Seas Treaty’, which aims to conserve marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ agreement).
Environment Council meeting page
Waste framework directive
EU environment ministers will be invited to reach a general approach on a proposal to revise the waste framework directive, specifically focusing on the textile and food sectors.
Despite measures and efforts to reduce waste, the amount of food and textile waste is still significant. Over 58 million tonnes of food waste (i.e. 131 kg per inhabitant) are generated in the EU each year and this represents an estimated loss of €132 billion. Not to mention the considerable impact on the environment: food waste accounts for 254 million tonnes of CO2 (around 16% of total greenhouse gas emissions from the EU food system).
The EU also generates 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste per year. Clothing and footwear alone account for 5.2 million tonnes of waste, equivalent to 12 kg of waste per person every year.
Currently, only 22% of this waste is collected separately for reuse or recycling, while the rest is often incinerated or landfilled. Only 1% of used clothes are recycled into new clothes due to insufficient technological capacity enabling clothes to be recycled into virgin fibres.
Against this backdrop, on 5 July 2023 the European Commission presented a proposal to revise the waste framework directive, specifically targeting the resource-intensive food and textile sectors. The overall aim of the proposal is to reduce the environmental and climate impacts associated with textile and food waste generation and management.
Preventing, preparing for re-use and recycling textile waste can help reduce the sector’s global environmental footprint. According to the existing waste framework, member states should ensure the separate collection of textiles for re-use, preparation for re-use and recycling by 1 January 2025.
The new rules would introduce mandatory and harmonised extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes in all EU member states. This would require fashion brands and textile producers to pay fees in order to help fund waste collection, and to make them responsible for the waste they create. The fees will be modulated according to criteria based on ecological design and durability of textile products. Moreover, fast fashion companies promoting overgeneration and overconsumption would have to pay a higher fee. The proposal also aims to foster circularity in the textile sector and to support social economy entities.
Regarding food, the new rules set legally binding food waste reduction targets for member states, to be achieved by 2030: 10% in processing and manufacturing, and 30% (per capita) jointly at retail and consumption levels (restaurants, food services and households).
Proposal for a targeted revision of the waste framework directive (European Commission)
Reducing food loss and food waste (background information)
Food waste: prevent, reuse and recycle (infographic)
Green claims directive
Consumers need reliable, comparable and verifiable environmental claims and labels in other to make fully informed decisions on whether to buy one product over another.
However, a 2020 study found that more than half of environmental claims provide vague, misleading or unfounded information or do not provide sufficient information.
Moreover, in a recent Eurobarometer survey, 90% of Europeans agreed that there should be stricter rules for calculating environmental impact and related environmental claims.
The Commission published the proposed directive on 22 March 2023 to complement the recently adopted directive on empowering consumers for the green transition. This new proposal specifically targets explicit environmental claims (written or oral text) and environmental labels which companies use voluntarily when marketing their greenness, and which cover the environmental impacts, aspect or performance of a product or traders.
The directive aims to protect consumers from greenwashing by setting minimum requirements across the EU as regards the substantiation, communication and verification of explicit environmental claims and environmental labels. The aim is to accelerate the green transition towards a circular, clean and climate neutral economy in the EU, thus contributing to the overall objective of EU climate neutrality by 2050.
In particular, traders should use clear criteria and scientific evidence to substantiate their claims, which would then be checked by independent verifiers. Moreover, environmental claims and environmental labels should be clear and easy to understand, with a clear and concise reference to the environmental characteristics they cover.
Circular economy (background information)
Soil monitoring law
EU ministers will also be invited to reach a general approach on the directive on soil monitoring and resilience.
Healthy soils are the foundation for 95% of the food we eat. They host more than 25% of the biodiversity in the world and are the largest terrestrial carbon pool on the planet. Yet over 60% of soils in the EU are in poor condition.
The proposed directive, published by the Commission on 5 July 2023, aims to put the EU on a pathway to healthy soils by 2050. To achieve this goal, the proposed directive provides a harmonised definition of soil health, puts in place a comprehensive and coherent monitoring framework and lays down rules on sustainable soil management and remediation of contaminated sites.
The proposal is in line with the EU soil strategy of 2021, an important component of the European Green Deal and of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 for tackling the climate and biodiversity crises. The soil strategy aims to ensure the same level of protection for soil that exists for water, the marine environment and air in the EU.
Soil strategy for 2030 (European Commission)
8th environment action programme
Building on the Green Deal, the 8th environment action programme establishes a framework for action on environment and climate policy until 2030. To meet its priority objectives, including the long-term 2050 objective of living well within planetary boundaries, the programme identifies the enabling conditions for all sectors.
The implementation of this programme is also fundamental to achieving the environmental and climate objectives under the UN 2030 Agenda, its sustainable development goals (SDGs) and multilateral environmental and climate agreements.
The action programme’s mid-term review, issued by the Commission on 13 March 2024, presents the progress made in each priority objective, including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, climate adaptation, circular economy, zero-pollution and biodiversity, as well as the transformation of consumption and production patterns.
Ministers will be invited to approve conclusions as regards the mid-term review of the 8th environment action programme, paving the way forward to a green, just and inclusive transition for a sustainable Europe.
This set of conclusions underlines that implementation of the European Green Deal will be crucial to reaching the priority objectives of the green transition. The conclusions address, among other things, risk preparedness, climate resilience and climate change mitigation, while also underlining the need for efficient investments, social acceptance and just transition. This set of conclusions will guide the Commission on adjusting measures to effectively reach the 2030 objectives.
8th EAP mid-term review (European Commission)
EU 2040 climate target
EU environment ministers will also hold a policy debate on the Commission communication on an EU 2040 climate target.
In its communication, the Commission recommends reducing the EU’s net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 90% by 2040 compared to 1990. The recommended target represents an intermediate step on the path to achieving the objective of climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 set by European climate law.
The communication is intended to be a starting point for a strategic dialogue on a post-2030 climate policy framework, with a focus on just transition and competitive sustainability. It stresses the importance of the following enabling conditions for achieving the recommended 2040 target: full implementation of the agreed 2030 framework; a level playing field with international partners; competitiveness of industry and agriculture; greater focus on just transition; open dialogue on the post-2030 framework.
Ministers had a first exchange of views on this topic during the ENVI Council in March. On technical level, several working parties on environment have been organised, in which the Commission presented its communication and impact assessment. Attachés of other filières were also invited (energy, agriculture, finance and budget, transport, industry).
Within the Council, delegations share the view that all sectors should contribute to the transition, which should be just and leave no one behind. One of the key takeaways is that protecting the competitiveness of the European industry and agriculture will be vital, including by creating a level playing field. The need for more investments, including in clean tech and infrastructure for energy and transport, is generally recognised among delegations. The important potential of a circular economy for reaching climate neutrality and for avoiding dependencies was emphasized, as well as the importance of adopting a holistic approach to agriculture. The latter should include both climate risk management and mitigation measures and should guarantee food security and a fair income to farmers.
Against this backdrop, ministers will take stock of the outcome of discussions led by the Belgian presidency and provide further guidance for continuing work on the file.
In particular, ministers will be invited to exchange views on the design of the 2040 climate target and the post-2030 framework, taking into account the need to preserve the Union’s competitiveness while ensuring a just transition. They will also discuss the potential of circular economy and demand-driven measures for reaching the EU’s climate targets.
Policy debate on 2040 climate target communication – Presidency note
Communication on the EU 2040 climate target (European Commission)
Climate change: what the EU is doing (background information)
Climate neutrality (background information)
Climate risk management
2023 was the hottest year on record globally, and in Europe global warming is happening twice as fast as the world average. Extreme weather events pose major cascading risks throughout Europe which can lead to systemic challenges effecting entire societies. Yet, the first ever European climate risk assessment (EUCRA), published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on 11 March, makes is clear that Europe is underprepared for these accelerating risks. It also indicates that the majority of these risks are shared between the EU and its member states.
On 12 March 2024, the Commission published a communication on managing climate risks which responds to this report. The EU and its member states need to take key actions to better manage climate risks – some of which have already reached critical levels – in order to protect people and prosperity. The six key impact areas identified are: natural ecosystems, water, health, food, infrastructure and built environment, and the economy.
According to a conservative estimate, the worsening climate impacts could reduce EU GDP by around 7% by the end of the century. Sufficient investment, both public and private, is needed to successfully address climate risks and build climate resilience.
Ministers had a first presentation of the Commission’s communication during the ENVI Council in March. On technical level, the EUCRA and/or Commission communication has been presented in several working parties of different filières (energy, tourism, health, industry, finance and budget).
Discussions within the Council have highlighted that a systemic policy response in all relevant policy fields is needed, including at EU level. At the ENVI Council next week, ministers will take stock of the outcome of discussions led by the Belgian presidency. They will provide further guidance for continuing work on the file.
In particular, ministers will be invited to express their views on new ways of cooperation across different governance levels to address climate risks. They will also share with the other ministers any measures they have put in place to integrate climate risk management into their budget planning.
Exchange of views on managing climate risks communication ‒ Presidency note
Communication on climate risk management (European Commission)
High Seas Treaty
Under non-discussion items, the Council is expected to adopt a decision for the EU to conclude the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ agreement), also known as the ‘High Seas Treaty’.
Following the successful completion of the negotiations in March 2023 and the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly in June 2023, the agreement was signed by the EU in September 2023, subject to its conclusion at a later date.
On 12 October 2023, the Commission submitted to the Council a proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the agreement. Following a political agreement reached in the Council on 24 April 2024, the European Parliament gave its consent on the draft decision.
The BBNJ agreement aims at the protection of the world’s ocean and its stewardship on behalf of present and future generations in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Those areas account for around two-thirds of the ocean’s surface and 95% of its volume.
It focuses on marine genetic resources, marine protected areas, rules on environmental impact assessments, as well as development and transfer of marine technology.
BBNJ agreement (United Nations)
Biodiversity: how the EU protects nature (background information)
Any other business
At the beginning of the afternoon session, the Hungarian delegation will present its environment programme as the incoming presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Under ‘other business’, ministers will hear from the Belgian presidency about the ongoing legislative work with respect to the proposed regulation on reducing microplastic pollution from plastic pellet losses and the proposed regulation on end-of-life vehicles.
Current legislative proposals: regulation on end-of-life vehicles (information note)
The presidency and the Commission will brief ministers on the outcome of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4).
Poland, Czechia and Hungary will also present their item on the terms and conditions of the 2024 Innovation Fund Auction for renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) hydrogen production (second round of auction H2).
1 This note has been drawn up under the responsibility of the press office.
Source – EU Council: Background brief – Environment Council of 17 June 2024