Berlin/Paris, 29 May 2024
At the margins of the French-German Council of Ministers, France and Germany agreed to cooperate on flexibility in the electricity system. This new bilateral cooperation underlines the joint understanding of the importance of this topic for the next decade: Flexibility in the electricity system is an essential tool to achieve the energy transition, ensure security of supply and to optimize the operation of the electricity system while bringing down electricity prices and strengthening Europe competitiveness. Various challenges and barriers need to be addressed to leverage the flexibilization potential. Therefore, France and Germany agreed on a joint action plan with concrete measures in order to intensify their work and unlock the potential of flexibility.
Roland Lescure, French Minister Delegate for Industry and Energy, and Sven Giegold, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action:
“For both France and Germany, flexibility is a key driver for a competitive electricity market and for our energy transition. Therefore, we will intensify cooperation in this area. The topic should be one of the top priorities for the next five years. Regardless of the national energy mix, it is important to make progress on unlocking the flexibility potential.”
Details of the agreement
Source BMWK (via email)