- CEER publishes 2022 Self-Assessment Status Report
- La Commission autorise l’acquisition du contrôle conjoint de RNS Enerji par TotalEnergies et RNS Holding
- Natural Gas Newsletter | Issue August 2023
- WRI: 6 Conversations We Need to Have on the Energy Transition
- EV Total Cost of Ownership and Grid Integration Tools: Workshop for the Africa Support and Investment Platform for E-mobility
- 17th Microgrid Global Innovation Forum, 26-27 September in London
- Upcoming EU Hydrogen Bank pilot auction: European Commission publishes Terms & Conditions
- Call to interested stakeholders to submit new and updated project information for Hydrogen Infrastructure Map
- Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck übergibt Förderbescheid über 162 Mio. Euro für den Aufbau einer industriellen Fertigung von Elektrolyseuren in Dresden
- Latest hydrogen industries headlines
- Gulf Coast Wind Auction: A Boon for Green Hydrogen
- Why are commercial vehicle manufacturers switching to hydrogen fuel?
- Nuvera-powered hydrogen fuel cell reachstacker shipped to Port of Valencia
- Hyzon Motors successfully completes first customer demo of liquid hydrogen fuel cell electric truck
- US hydrogen economy ramps up for federal incentives not yet defined
- UK utility ramps up innovation investment on green hydrogen
- McDermott firm gets DNV’s blessing for liquid hydrogen cargo containment system
- Shapps drops hydrogen levy on suppliers
- Hyzon Motors Successfully Completes First Customer Demo of Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Truck
- JCB retrofits Mercedes-Benz Sprinter with its bespoke hydrogen-powered engine
- ‘Brazil could produce 350 million tonnes of offshore wind-to-hydrogen a year, despite lack of wind farms’
- ACCIONA Energía and Aruba sign deal for green hydrogen valley
- Cadent claims 40GW of wind can produce hydrogen for heat
- TFP Hydrogen Introduces Innovative Modular Production Unit
- Canadian Engineers Make “Revolutionary” Hydrogen Breakthrough
- Rivian Dual-Motor vs. Quad-Motor, eSprinter priced, green hydrogen: Today’s Car News
- Brazil planners target 350m tonnes of offshore wind-to-hydrogen a year
- Rahmenvereinbarung über Unterstützungsleistungen bei der Administration und Vorbereitung von Einzelvorhaben im Bereich Strom
- Bundeskabinett beschließt 29. Subventionsbericht
- Draft agenda – Tuesday, 5 September 2023 – PE752.767v01-00 – Committee on Culture and Education , Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
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