Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

Brussels, 11 July 2023

The European Commission has adopted a proposal to modernise and streamline the legal framework for European statistics. The proposed text would amend Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics, first amended in 2015 to strengthen the overall governance of the European Statistical System (ESS).

In the context of increasing demands for more detailed information, produced more quickly, at a higher frequency and offering more in-depth insights in support of evidence-based EU policies, the general objective of this proposal is to significantly improve the responsiveness of the European Statistical System (ESS) to data needs. This will be achieved, amongst others, by providing a stronger legal framework allowing to tap the full potential of digital data sources and technologies through their re-use for European statistics.

The proposal will help make the ESS more efficient and effective by promoting data sharing and strengthening its coordination. At the same time, statistical confidentiality and data privacy will be strictly preserved. More specifically, the proposal will ensure sustainable and fair use of digital data sources for European statistics by (i) establishing a mechanism whereby private data holders can be required to enable the re-use of the data they hold for the production of European statistics; (ii) allowing to initiate statistical actions at EU level in response to crisis and extraordinary circumstances; (iii) mandating data sharing among National Statistical Authorities for statistical purposes, where relevant and justified; (iv) allowing the Commission (Eurostat) to share data with the National Statistical Authorities via a secure digital infrastructure; and (v) enhancing data interoperability and standardisation among National Statistical Authorities.

The proposal will now be transmitted to the co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council, for the next stage of the legislative procedure.

Source – EU Commission

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