Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
wind farm, windmill, wind power
An offshore wind farm. Photo by David_Will on Pixabay
  • Raising Cybersecurity Resilience in Offshore Wind Webinar
  • Centre for European Reform on the Electricity Market Design: Reform of Europe’s wholesale power markets: In need of a jolt?
  • CEER at EUSEW 2023
  • ST 10394 2023 INIT – Implementation of the European Hydrogen Bank Auctions as a service for Member States – Concept Note – Information from the Commission
  • Latest reports on hydrogen industries
  • Lhyfe partners on green H2 from wind
  • Thyssenkrupp launches IPO of H2 division
  • PCC Hydrogen to Construct Hydrogen Plant in Indiana
  • Cipher Neutron Signs Collaboration Agreement with Ionomr to Create North America’s First 250-Kilowatt AEM Hydrogen Electrolyzer
  • Green hydrogen market to grow six-fold to $1.4 trillion, said Deloitte
  • A Baking Soda Solution for Clean Hydrogen Storage
  • Iberdrola hosts Dutch royalty at green hydrogen hub
  • Lhyfe, Capital ink offshore hydrogen deal
  • U.S. Hydrogen Industry Roundtable
  • Hydrogen JV Thyssenkrupp Nucera announces IPO plans
  • Lhyfe and Capital Energy team up on offshore hydrogen projects
  • Pesa hydrogen shunting locomotive approved for operation
  • IEA advises Oman on becoming a low-carbon hydrogen producer
  • Iberdrola, ACE Terminal and Hynetwork services forge plan for Spanish-Dutch hydrogen corridor
  • S&Ds spearhead ambitious regulation to clean up battery industry
  • EU-Rechnungshof: Kann Europa Weltspitze in der Batterieherstellung werden?
  • EUROBAT Forum debates the role of batteries in the clean energy transition and emphasises the need for a consistent regulatory framework for batteries
  • Bundestag: WD 5 – 050/23 Stand der Strompreisdeckelung für die Industrie in Frankreich
  • Vizekanzler Habeck zur Einigung in der Ampel-Koalition zum Gebäudeenergiegesetz
  • BDEW zur Einigung der Bundesregierung beim Gebäudeenergiegesetz
  • Opinion on the Commission proposal on amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market (2023/0076 (COD)) and amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design – PE748.960v01-00


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