Brussels, 17 February 2023
The European Commission launches a call for expression of interest for the Fellowship Programme on China. The objective is to tap into the wide-ranging expertise on China from Europe and beyond and expand further the knowledge base of the Commission on China. The Fellowship should group academics from world-class think tanks and universities. The Fellows’ main task will be to provide policy-oriented expertise in one of the following domains: 1. Politics, geopolitics, security and/or history; 2. Human and/or social sciences, 3. Economics and/or finance; 4. Digital and/or innovation; 5. Environment, climate and/or life sciences. Candidates may declare their interest in a Fellowship on China in one of these areas, by applying online, following the instructions on the EU CV online application platform. The maximum number of Fellows that can be engaged by the Commission at any given time is limited to 15. They can be recruited for a period ranging from 6 to 12 months. Fellows will be recruited as statutory staff of the European Commission with the related rights and obligations.
A Selection Committee will propose a shortlist of those eligible and best qualified candidates. This Committee will subsequently make the final selection for the programme. Fellowships will be established in IDEA, the European Commission in-house advisory body set up by the President to provide ideas and inspiration for core priorities, including on geopolitics. You can contact IDEA by email if you want more information about the Fellowship programme.
Source – EU Commission