Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 14 July 2022

The European Commission has published today a Report on Competition Policy for 2021, presenting the key policy developments and legislative initiatives undertaken last year, as well as a selection of enforcement actions. In 2021, the Commission made substantial progress on its comprehensive review of key competition regulations, guidelines and notices, as set out in its Communication on a competition policy fit for new challenges, which frames the role of competition policy for Europe’s path towards recovery, the green and digital transitions, and for a resilient Single Market.

The Commission also adopted a proposal for a new Regulation to address distortions caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market Further, following the 2020 proposal on the Digital Markets Act, introducing a series of directly applicable obligations for companies acting as important gatekeepers for businesses and consumers in the Single Market. In 2021 the Commission has taken part to the legislative process, cooperating with the European Parliament and the Council. The full text of the Report (available in all EU languages) and the accompanying Staff Working Document will be available here. An infographic is also available online. 

Source – EU Commission

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