Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Brussels, 1 July 2022

The concept of a ‘European Political Community’; energy sufficiency and the EU’s renewables expansion challenge towards 2030; if the EU’s response to Russia’s war in Ukraine is a transformational moment; EU’s open strategic autonomy and the trappings of geo-economics, European industrial policy as a crucial element of strategic autonomy; and reducing European fertiliser and feed dependency through the Common Agriculture Policy are some of the issues discussed in the 100th edition of the Think Tank Review.

EU politics and institutions
  • What role for the EU in the world? Towards EU leadership based on values
  • Democracies in danger: how can we break the vicious circle of populism?
  • Under construction: citizen participation in the European Union
Agriculture and fisheries
  • Reducing European fertiliser and feed dependency through the CAP
  • GRAPE 3: transformer le système agroalimentaire européen, plus que jamais une nécessité
  • Preventing the critical minerals crisis
  • European industrial policy: a crucial element of strategic autonomy
  • Les projets importants d’intérêt européen commun (PIIEC)
Economic and financial affairs
  • EU response to economic coercion by third countries
  • Improving the quality of public spending in Europe
  • Price and liquidity discovery in European sovereign bonds and futures
  • The proof of the pudding: imposing financial measures for rule of law breaches
  • A qualified treatment for green and social investments within a revised EU fiscal framework
Employment / social policies / health and consumer affairs
  • Beating burnout: identifying bad jobs and improving job quality
  • The rights of LGBTI people in the European Union
  • The need for a progressive discussion on the future of European cancer prevention policy
Environmental issues
  • Becoming global climate governors: how cities are moving from climate ambition to coordinated action and delivery
  • EU tools to respond to natural disasters
  • The EU’s zero pollution ambition: moving towards a non-toxic environment
Justice and home affairs
  • Right-wing extremism in the EU
  • Protection against racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination, and the EU anti-racism action plan
  • Why digital privacy is so complicated
  • A decade of hosting Syrian refugees in Jordan – Lessons learnt for Poland
Transport / Telecommunications / Energy
  • AI and digital tools in workplace management and evaluation
  • Geopolitics of the energy transition: energy security, new dependencies and critical raw materials. Old wine in new bottles for the EU?
  • Europe will make do without Russian oil
  • Tackling the energy and climate security conundrum in Southeast Europe
  • La geopolítica de la energía renovable y de las materias primas críticas. El caso de la Unión Europea: liderazgo global y nuevas dependencias
Foreign affairs
  • A transformational moment? The EU’s response to Russia’s war in Ukraine
  • External policy tools to address modern slavery and forced labour
  • The European Council and defence cooperation
  • NATO, the EU and the return of collective defence
  • Rethinking nuclear deterrence: a European perspective
  • Ucrania a remolque del Consejo de Comercio y Tecnología

Source – EU Council

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