Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Extraordinary Energy Council on 2 May 2022
  • ST 8513 2022 INIT Energy situation in the EU in the context of the war in Ukraine – Exchange of views
  • Joint Statement between the USA and the EU Commission on European Energy Security
  • Strong focus by regulators on Gas Storage and Security of Supply
  • EFET: Joint industry call to safeguard the benefits of the Internal Energy Market
  • Gasspeichergesetz tritt morgen in Kraft – wichtiger Beitrag für Versorgungssicherheit
  • Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 29.04.22) – Bundesnetzagentur
  • Electricity and gas prices in the second half of 2021
  • ACER publishes its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design
  • ACER and CEER publish their views on the revision of the gas storage and security of supply Regulation
  • ENTSO-E: Registrations are now open for InnoGrid2022 on 14 and 29 June 2022
  • ACER-CEER views on the proposal for a regulation amending the SoS and gas storage Regulations
  • CEER feedback to EU consultations
  • The US is about to build lots of offshore wind – what can it learn from Europe? – Wind Europe
  • Wind Europe: EU electricity market rules must support renewables investments
  • Update 67 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Eurelectric: Discover how data collection and exchange are making systems more match fit
  • Bestätigung des Netzreservebedarfs im Strombereich
  • Hintergrund zur Netz­re­ser­ve und Re­ser­ve­kraft­werks­leis­tung
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • World’s largest green hydrogen project to get its own 5GW ‘high-current’ electrolyser factory
    • Vancouver Island’s first public hydrogen-fuelling station open
    • Deals relating to hydrogen increased significantly in the power industry in H2 2021
    • The increasingly important role of green hydrogen
    • Green Hydrogen International (GHI) Signs MOU With Hydrogen Optimized for Proposal to Build Gigawatt-Scale Water Electrolyzer Factory in Texas
    • Norwegian trio plan offshore hydrogen factory
    • JAEA and MHI begin hydrogen production demo project using High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)
    • easyJet partners with GKN Aerospace to accelerate adoption of Hydrogen
    • HYON, Gen2 Energy and ASCO to establish hydrogen hub for maritime transport in Nordland
    • Morrison makes hydrogen promises in the Hunter
  • COMMISSION’S VIEWS in accordance with Article 43 of the Euratom Treaty concerning the development and construction of a new dry interim spent fuel storage facility, SF² Doel, at the nuclear site of Doel, Belgium

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