- EU Judgment in Case C-110/20 Regione Puglia – Exploration of hydrocarbons
- BDEW: „Unseriöse Billig-Anbieter sind das Problem, nicht die Grundversorger, die die Versorgung auch im Notfall sicherstellen.“
- EDF on the exceptional measures by the French Government to limit the rise of electricity tariffs for 2022
- Bruegel: What does Europe’s energy future look like?
- EU HR Borrell: Press remarks at the informal meeting of EU Defence Ministers
- Wind Europe: New Dutch Government is seriously ambitious on climate and wind energy
- dena: Marktmonitoring Bioenergie startet mit ersten Expertenbefragungen
- EU Commission prohibits proposed acquisition of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering by Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings
- Remarks by Executive Vice-President Vestager on the Commission decision to prohibit the proposed acquisition of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering by Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings
- Participation of the SG to the Legislators Forum in margin of the IRENA 2022 Assembly
- EDF updates its nuclear output estimate in France for 2022
- Rede des Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Robert Habeck in der Plenarsitzung des Deutschen Bundestages am 13. Januar 2022
- BDEW-Bericht zum Strom- und Gasverbrauch in 2021
- Agora Energiewende – Studie: Die deutsche Braunkohlenwirtschaft 2021
- Canada’s bold policies and support for innovation can underpin a successful energy transition, new IEA policy review says
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