Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines today:

  • EU Consultation: Ecodesign – Designing mobile phones and tablets to be sustainable
  • EU Commission: National stakeholders dialogues – energy for the European Green Deal
  • Updated interactive publication on energy – Eurostat
  • 5th Meeting of the TEN-E cross-regional groups on electricity
  • FCH JU Programme and Projects Updates
  • EP Briefing – Updating the EU regulatory framework for batteries
  • Great ambitions: Russia expands on the LNG market – OSW Warsaw
  • UK Government response to the Regulatory Horizons Council’s report on fusion energy
  • UK Independent report: Regulatory Horizons Council: report on fusion energy regulation
  • Minister Altmaier talks with Bas van het Wout, Netherland’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, about cooperation on economic and energy policies
  • UK: Latest government publications on energy policies
    • Form: Offshore wind manufacturing investment support scheme: investment programme (closed to applications)
    • Notice: Longer Duration Energy Storage Demonstration competition
    • Statistical data set: Monthly and annual prices of road fuels and petroleum products
    • Statistical data set: International road fuel prices
    • Statistical data set: Domestic energy price indices
    • Guidance: Household Energy Efficiency statistics methodology note
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends: UK total energy
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends: UK solid fuels and derived gases
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends: UK gas
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends: UK electricity
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends: UK weather
    • Official Statistics: Road fuel sales and stock levels: 23 May 2021
    • National Statistics: Road fuel prices: 24 May 2021
    • National Statistics: Energy Trends and Prices statistical release: 27 May 2021
    • National Statistics: Household Energy Efficiency Statistics, headline release May 2021
    • Official Statistics: Solar photovoltaic (PV) cost data
    • National Statistics: Solar PV deployment: April 2021
    • Official Statistics: Solar PV cost data: 2020/21
    • National Statistics: Solar photovoltaics deployment
    • Official Statistics: Smart meters in Great Britain, quarterly update March 2021
    • Form: Direct Air Capture and other Greenhouse Gas Removal technologies competition
    • Notice: Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition
    • Press release: £166 million cash injection for Green Technology and 60,000 UK jobs
    • Notice: Apply for private rented sector Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) compliance and enforcement funding
    • Notice: Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 1: Summer 2020 competition winners
    • Research: Review of consents for major energy infrastructure projects
  • CM 3329 2021 INIT Joint Research/Atomic Questions Working Party Meeting – ATTACHES MEETING
  • ST 9150 2021 INIT A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe – Exchange of views
  • ST 9282 2021 INIT Any other business Joint political declaration of the Penta-countries affirming their commitment to strengthen their cooperation on hydrogen – Information from the Belgian delegation
  • ST 8891 2021 INIT Preparation of the Council meeting (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy) on 11 June 2021 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 – General approach
  • ST 9052 2021 INIT Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020 – Progress report


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