Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., where Allies took decisions related to NATO Common Funding, 9-11 July 2024. © NATO

Reflections on a decisive decade as NATO Secretary General – Jens Stoltenberg

“The world has changed profoundly since 2014 when I took up my post as NATO Secretary General. Putin has brought brutal war back to Europe, global competition has accelerated, and many challenges – from terrorism to disruptive technologies and from cyber-attacks to climate change – have transformed our security landscape and our everyday lives. As the world has changed, so has NATO” – writes NATO Secretary General in his reflections

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Ukraine joins NATO counter-drone exercise for first time

From 10 to 20 September 2024, over 450 participants from 19 NATO Allies and three partner-countries gathered in the Netherlands to test the ability of commercially available counter-drone systems to operate seamlessly together. Ukraine participated for the first time, alongside members of the private sector and research community.

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Bruegel: Financing European air defence through European Union debt

Air defence is a classic European public good. No individual nation alone can provide it comprehensively, while air defence provided individual European Union countries can offer significant benefits to Europe as a whole. Joint EU funding for the build-up of greater air defence capabilities would be thus justified and help ensure rapid and sufficient provisioning.

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Flugabwehrsystems Iris-T: Rede von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

“Wir bauen mit der „European Sky Shield Initiative“ eine starke Luftverteidigung auf. Wie lebenswichtig eine starke Flug- und Raketenabwehr sein kann, lässt sich auf dramatische Weise an der Front und in den Städten der Ukraine beobachten. Iris-T ist dort zum Schutzwall gegen die zahllosen Raketen geworden” – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz.

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EU statement on emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapons

The EU hat published its statement at the Group of Governmental Experts on emerging technologies in the area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: In the study, development, acquisition, or adoption of a new weapon, means or method of warfare, determination must be made whether its employment would, in some or all circumstances, be prohibited by international law.

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Ursula von der Leyen speaking at the GLOBSEC Forum in Prague.

Globsec Forum 2024: Speeches by EU Commission President von der Leyen

“At the beginning of this decade, many illusions have been shattered in Europe. The illusion that peace was achieved once and for all. The illusion that prosperity might matter more to Putin than his delusional dreams of empire. The illusion that Europe was doing enough on security – be it economically or militarily. Today, we cannot afford any more illusions. The second half of this decade will be high-risk” –

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