Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



"Peace Window" - Marc Chagall UN Photo

UNGA and UN Security Council: European Council President Michel calls for changes

“Decades have passed, the world has changed. Adjustments, however, have not taken place. And yet the Security Council needs to be reformed. It must be reformed by making it more inclusive. Africa and, I believe, Latin America in particular must be given permanent seats. Regional organisations must be more closely involved in UN decision-making processes, including by giving them a systematic consultative voice on the Security Council” – Charles Michel at the UN General Assembly.

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North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., where Allies took decisions related to NATO Common Funding, 9-11 July 2024. © NATO

Reflections on a decisive decade as NATO Secretary General – Jens Stoltenberg

“The world has changed profoundly since 2014 when I took up my post as NATO Secretary General. Putin has brought brutal war back to Europe, global competition has accelerated, and many challenges – from terrorism to disruptive technologies and from cyber-attacks to climate change – have transformed our security landscape and our everyday lives. As the world has changed, so has NATO” – writes NATO Secretary General in his reflections for NATO Review.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of TBX NewCo Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes by Tubacex and Mubadala

The EU Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of TBX NewCo Spain S.L.U. of Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes L.L.C. of the UAE by Tubacex S.A. of Spain and Mubadala Investment Company P.J.S.C. (‘Mubadala’) of the UAE. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacture of oil country tubes for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas.

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OECD sees global economy turning the corner as inflation declines and trade growth strengthens

The global economy is turning the corner as growth remained resilient through the first half of 2024, with declining inflation, though significant risks remain, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Outlook. With robust growth in trade, improvements in real incomes and a more accommodative monetary policy in many economies, the Outlook projects global growth persevering at 3.2% in 2024 and 2025, after 3.1% in 2023.

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Consumer rights: EU Council adopts position on measures to facilitate dispute resolution

The EU Council has today adopted its negotiating mandate on a package of measures to adapt the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) framework to the challenges of the digital world. Many consumers facing a disagreement with a company refuse to litigate due to the small sums involved, lengthy procedure times or a lack of confidence in the possibility of reaching a satisfactory solution. ADR mechanisms allow consumers to settle their disputes with companies before going to court.

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Fighting organised crime: European prosecutors join forces in new EJOCN network

European prosecutors step up their fight against organised crime with the launch of the European Judicial Organised Crime Network (EJOCN), hosted at Eurojust. The complex and fast-evolving nature of major crimes in Europe make strengthening international judicial coordination necessary. The EJOCN will go beyond the investigation-based collaboration and combat organised crime strategically.

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Eurostat reports drop in imports of energy products to the EU

In the second quarter of 2024, the EU imported €94.9 billion worth of energy products, amounting to a total of 177.9 million tonnes. Compared with the same quarter of 2023, imports decreased both in value (-10.7%) and in net mass (-9.7%). A slight increase was reported in the value of imported petroleum oils (+5.6% compared with the second quarter of 2023), while the volume of imports recorded a small decline (-2.2%).

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EU-US Trade and Technology Council: Outcome of latest high-level meeting

The discussions highlighted the importance of collaboration around artificial intelligence, as well as the significance of the ongoing efforts to promote the deployment of secure digital infrastructure and of next generation networks. They also encouraged both parties to make further progress on emerging technology standards, including on digital identity.

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satellite in space

ITU SecGen Doreen Bogdan-Martin on space sustainability: Why ITU? Why now?

“Space is becoming more critical to global development than ever before. The question of space sustainability, therefore, looms large. As we look to leverage space technologies to improve lives and livelihoods on Earth, we must also consider how to preserve the space environment itself. Now, you might ask: Why ITU? Why now?” – Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General.

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EUDA partners review progress of two technical international cooperation projects

The participants will discuss steps taken to consolidate national drug information systems as well as the benefits and challenges of piloting new data-collection tools and boosting drug-related competences. The meeting will also offer the chance to review emerging drug market trends in both regions and deliberate and coordinate the main activities and outputs for the coming years.

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United Arab Emirates: Press remarks by EU HR Josep Borrell after his meetings

“The Emirates is playing a very important role on providing humanitarian support to Gaza. Maybe the most effective support that anyone is providing in Gaza – not only in quantity – but on the capacity to reach people inside Gaza –also in the evacuation of the wounded to the Emirati hospitals, from here to other places in the world” – EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

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U.S. Treasury sanctions Iranian officials connected to human rights violations

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is designating 12 individuals in connection with the Iranian regime’s ongoing, violent repression of the Iranian people. These designations target members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), officials of Iran’s Prisons Organization, and those responsible for lethal operations overseas.

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Bruegel: Financing European air defence through European Union debt

Air defence is a classic European public good. No individual nation alone can provide it comprehensively, while air defence provided individual European Union countries can offer significant benefits to Europe as a whole. Joint EU funding for the build-up of greater air defence capabilities would be thus justified and help ensure rapid and sufficient provisioning.

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Defence of Ukraine: Renew Europe calls for weapons restrictions to be lifted

Countries supplying defence systems to Ukraine must lift restrictions on the use of weapons in order to allow strikes on legitimate targets within Russia’s territory. The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament reminds that these restrictions hamper the ability of Ukraine to effectively counter Russian attacks on its cities and infrastructure, which increase the already staggering civilian death toll.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of TBX NewCo Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes by Tubacex and Mubadala

The EU Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of TBX NewCo Spain S.L.U. of Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes L.L.C. of the UAE by Tubacex S.A. of Spain and Mubadala Investment Company P.J.S.C. (‘Mubadala’) of the UAE. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacture of oil country tubes for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas.

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EU Organic Awards: Welcome address by EU Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski

“You inspire our food system to be more sustainable: by taking the lead in tackling climate change and environmental degradation, and in improving biodiversity, and animal welfare. You inspire our food system to be more resilient, by reducing our dependence on external inputs. And you inspire our food system to open more opportunities – for small farmers, young farmers, and female farmers” – EU Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski.

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Main results of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 23 September 2024

EU Agriculture ministers assessed the implementation of the strategic plans of the common agricultural policy, in order to identify possible improvements for the post-2027 period. The Council also discussed the situation of agricultural markets and commodities. Fisheries ministers held an exchange of views on the management in 2025 of fish stocks shared with the United Kingdom. They also discussed the upcoming consultations with Norway on fishing opportunities in 2025.

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A wide view of the General Assembly Hall during the opening of the Summit of the Future.

UN Pact for the Future: World leaders pledge action for peace and sustainable development

World leaders on Sunday adopted the Pact for the Future, a landmark declaration pledging concrete actions towards a safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for tomorrow’s generations. The Pact along with its annexes, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations, was adopted by consensus, despite a last-minute proposal for an amendment by some countries, including Russia, Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Syria.

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ai generated, hour of the earth, climate change

United Nations: Leaders must align efforts to ensure planetary health at three COPs in 2024

Op-Ed by Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Astrid Schomaker, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and Ibrahim Thiaw, UN Undersecretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). This Op-Ed was originally published on 23 September 2024 on the website of the World Economic Forum, which is partnering with the three incoming COP presidencies to advance international negotiations and collaboration across the three COPs’ interlinked agendas on climate, biodiversity and land.

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EU kicks off high-level meetings during the UN General Assembly in New York

The EU has kicked off a week of high-level meetings and events during the UN General Assembly in New York. During the weekend, Executive Vice-President Vestager, Vice-President Šuica and Commissioner Urpilainen participated in the Summit of the Future’s Action Days covering topics ranging from youth, children’s rights, sustainable development, demography, gender equality and sexual reproductive health, as well as the Global Digital Compact adopted at the Summit of the Future.

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