Wed. Oct 9th, 2024



dietetics, nutrition, fruits

Understanding human calorie needs: IAEA Supports FAO and WHO

Energy requirements reflect what an individual needs to maintain all bodily functions, depending on life stage and activity, and are essential for evaluating how well food supplies can meet the nutritional demands of a population. For the first time the IAEA is to help United Nations nutrition experts reevaluate human energy requirements: a key input for assessing global hunger.

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Ursula von der Leyen speaking at the GLOBSEC Forum in Prague.

Globsec Forum 2024: Speeches by EU Commission President von der Leyen

“At the beginning of this decade, many illusions have been shattered in Europe. The illusion that peace was achieved once and for all. The illusion that prosperity might matter more to Putin than his delusional dreams of empire. The illusion that Europe was doing enough on security – be it economically or militarily. Today, we cannot afford any more illusions. The second half of this decade will be high-risk” – EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

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Canada: IMF Executive Board concludes 2024 Article IV consultation

The Canadian economy appears to have achieved a soft landing: inflation has come down almost to target, while a recession has been avoided, with GDP growth cushioned by surging immigration even as per capita income has shrunk. Housing unaffordability has risen to levels not seen in a generation, with demand boosted by immigration and supply facing continued challenges to expansion.

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Main results of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 16 July 2024

The EU Ecofin Council discussed the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and approved Germany’s modified recovery and resilience plan including a new REPowerEU chapter. The Council took forward work on the European Semester. It discussed the existence of excessive deficits in several member states, and the economic and financial impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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Digital capacities and tech: EU Commission opens calls to invest over €176m

The European Commission opened a new set of calls for proposals under the 2023-2024 Work Programmes of the Digital Europe Programme to strengthen digital capacities across EU. These calls are open to businesses, public administrations, and other entities from the EU Member States, EFTA/EEA countries, and associated countries. The budget for this set of calls is over €176 million.

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hands, shaking hands, company

EU secures results at WTO Ministerial failing to reform global trade rulebook

The European Commission was instrumental in brokering important outcomes at the 13th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (MC13) that ended Friday in Abu Dhabi. After a week of intense engagement, EU negotiators secured important agreements on e-commerce, new rules to improve global services trade, environmental cooperation, and strengthening the position of developing countries in the global trading system. 

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cryptocurrency, concept, blockchain

IMF: How to regulate and supervise the changing landscape of crypto-assets

Crypto assets have implications for macroeconomic and financial stability that are mutually interactive and reinforcing. Therefore, a comprehensive policy and regulatory response is necessary to address the risks of crypto assets. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sees a key part of its mandate in the safety and soundness of the international monetary system, as well as global macroeconomic and financial stability.

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Finland agrees on principles guiding 6G development with partner countries

Finland has joined the multilateral Joint Statement Endorsing Principles for 6G led by the United States. The joint statement was published at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 27 February 2024. The joint statement contains an agreement on common principles that will guide the development of 6G nationally and internationally. By joining the joint statement, Finland will strengthen cooperation with its key strategic partners in future wireless communications networks.

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Digital cooperation: EU and Canada discuss next steps

As a follow-up to the virtual meeting between Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton and Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne on 1st February, the EU and Canada discussed next steps for increased cooperation in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum science and semiconductors, public policy related to online platforms, secure international connectivity, and cyber security.

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Changing the DNA of our connectivity infrastructure – EU Commissioner Breton at the Mobile World Congress

Advanced robotic solutions to automate manufacturing processes. +++ IoT sensors, drones and AI solutions for precision agriculture +++ Vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communications solutions to enable vehicle autonomy, and improve traffic flow in our congested cities +++ Sensors, trackers, and computer vision tools for retailers to manage inventory, improve warehouse operations, and coordinate along the supply chain.

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U.S. NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), its landmark guidance document for reducing cybersecurity risk. The new 2.0 edition is designed for all audiences, industry sectors and organization types, from the smallest schools and nonprofits to the largest agencies and corporations — regardless of their degree of cybersecurity sophistication.

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China: IMF staff completes 2024 Article IV Mission to China

“China faces significant fiscal challenges, especially for local governments. Sustained fiscal consolidation over the medium term is needed to stabilize debt, while restructuring the unsustainable debt of local government financing vehicles can help reduce fiscal strains” – IMF staff report.

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electric charge, road sign, sign

Battery-electric vehicles from China: EU Commission imposes provisional countervailing duties

Nine months after the initiation of its anti-subsidy investigation, the EU Commission has imposed provisional countervailing duties on imports of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from China. Based on the investigation, the Commission has concluded that the BEV value chain in China benefits from unfair subsidisation, which is causing a threat of economic injury to EU BEV producers.

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EFSA: Risk assessment of small organoarsenic species in food

EFSA has published a scientific opinion on the health risks of small organic arsenic species in food. This new assessment concluded that exposure to dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) compounds raises a health risk, unlike monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), which does not pose a health concern for any age group.

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