Wed. Oct 9th, 2024



euro, money, currency

Insight EU Finance Monitoring Weekly: 26 – 31 August 2024

These are the headlines of our weekly Insight EU Finance Monitoring, published last Saturday. We publish the headlines of our Insight EU Monitoring mails delayed by several days. To receive real-time monitoring emails, subscribe to our annual target group full-text services on the Insight EU Store page.

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United States: IMF Executive Board concludes 2024 Article IV consultation

The U.S. economy has turned in a strong performance over the past few years. Hysteresis effects from the pandemic did not materialize and both activity and employment now exceed pre-pandemic expectations. Real incomes were diminished by the unexpected rise in inflation in 2022 but have now risen above pre-pandemic levels. Job growth has been particularly fast with 16 million new jobs created since end-2020.

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Ursula von der Leyen statement in Parliament

Ursula von der Leyen: Europe’s Choice – Political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2024 – 2029

Europe now faces a clear choice. A choice to either face up to the uncertain world around us alone. Or to unite our societies and unite around our values. A choice to be dependent, to let the divisions weaken us. Or to be bold in our ambition and sovereign in our action, working with our partners around the world. A choice to ignore new realities or the speed of change. Or to be clear-eyed about the world and threats around us as they really are. A choice to let the extremists and appeasers prevail. Or to ensure our democratic forces stay strong.

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Cybersecurity: New network code for EU electricity sector

The network code aims to establish a recurrent process of cybersecurity risk assessments in the electricity sector. These assessments are aimed at systematically identifying the entities that perform digitalised processes with a critical or high impact in cross-border electricity flows, their cybersecurity risks, and then the necessary mitigating measures that are needed.

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European A.I. Act: MEPs adopt landmark law – EU Council to decide soon

On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation. The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions. The final text still needs to be formally adopted by the Council to become EU law. The AI Act should apply from 2026.

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EP Think tank briefing: The European Artificial Intelligence Act

Proposed by the European Commission in April 2021, the draft AI act, the first binding worldwide horizontal regulation on AI, sets a common framework for the use and supply of AI systems in the EU. It offers a classification for AI systems with different requirements and obligations tailored on a ‘risk-based approach’.

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Document: Speech by EPP lead candidate Ursula von der Leyen at the EPP Congress

“We, the EPP, believe in the rule of law and the respect of human rights. We believe that people should live in peace and freedom. We believe in the social market economy. We believe that access to health care and education is not a privilege for a few, it is a right for all. We believe that our children should be safe running free in fields and forests, on playgrounds and football pitches, as we did. They deserve that we care for a healthy future, with a healthy environment. Whether they grow up in the biggest city or the smallest village. And above all, we believe in the dignity of every human being. This is my belief as Christian Democrats” – Ursula von der Leyen.

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EU Parliament: The Week Ahead 11 – 17 March 2024

MEPs are set to adopt on Wednesday the Artificial Intelligence Act, which aims to ensure that AI is trustworthy, safe and respects EU fundamental rights, while supporting innovation and making Europe a leader in the field. A press conference by the two rapporteurs is scheduled for Wednesday ahead of the vote.

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D-Day: Normandy Declaration at the commemorations of the 80th anniversary

“As we are tragically reminded that peace is not eternal and that security is not a given, the efforts to bolster our collective defense, deterrence and resilience are required more than ever. We reaffirm the centrality of NATO to European security as well as the importance of a stronger and more capable European defense that contributes positively to global and transatlantic security.”

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SWP-Studie: Die Ukraine im russischen Angriffskrieg

Im Juni 2022 beschloss der Europäische Rat, der Ukra­ine den Status eines Kandidatenlandes zu verleihen. Mit diesem Schritt kam Kyjiw politisch gesehen einem EU-Beitritt sehr viel näher als in vielen Jahren zuvor. Ohne die mutige und entschlossene ukrainische Reaktion auf die russische Aggression seit dem 24. Februar 2022 wäre eine solche Entwicklung nicht denkbar gewesen. Es war die nachdrückliche Ver­teidigung von Werten wie Freiheit, Souveränität und territorialer Integrität, die auch Skeptiker:innen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten überzeugt hat, diesen Schritt zu gehen.

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