Tue. Oct 8th, 2024



Short-term outlook of agricultural markets: Gradual but fragile return to stability

After severe shocks and high volatility, EU agricultural markets are showing positive signs of stabilising as input costs have steadily declined over the past months and food inflation has returned to a moderate rate. The macroeconomic and food price environment points to possible improvements in demand. Nonetheless, the outlook suffers from high degree of uncertainty, linked to weather events, geopolitical conflicts, as well as animal and plant diseases.

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man, senior, old

PEPP: EIOPA proposes a broad reform to tackle Europe’s pension gap

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published a Staff Paper on the future of the Pan-European Pension Product (PEPP). The paper sets out the reasons behind the limited uptake of the PEPP and suggests improvements to its design to overcome supply-side, demand-side and structural barriers hindering its broader adoption.

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euro, money, currency

Insight EU Finance Monitoring Weekly: 5 – 9 August 2024

These are the headlines of our weekly Insight EU Finance Monitoring, published last Saturday. We publish the headlines of our Insight EU Monitoring mails delayed by several days. To receive real-time monitoring emails, subscribe to our annual target group full-text services on the Insight EU Store page.

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EU taxation: Looking back, and ahead – EU Parliament background

As the new parliamentary mandate begins, this note looks back at notable achievements of the previous legislative term in the area of taxation. It then looks ahead to possible future action that could help the Member States and the European Union (EU) meet revenue needs in the context of climate and defence spending requirements.

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EU Commission clears acquisition of AOA by SCP and BCI

The European Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of AOA Top Tier II L.P. by Searchlight Capital Partners, both of the US, and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation of Canada. The transaction relates primarily to billboard advertising and outdoor advertising displays.

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How space can contribute to Europe’s competitiveness – EU Council conclusions

“The space sector will play an increasingly important role in the strategic autonomy of Europe. An ambitious space policy will create business opportunities and quality jobs in this fast-growing sector, and will also help our economy, both industry and services, to accelerate the green and digital transitions and be better prepared to compete at global level” – Belgian EU Presidency.

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Belgian EU Presidency: The citizen’s panel on AI issues its report

Randomly select 60 citizens from all four corners of Belgium. Give them an exciting topic to explore. Add a few local players. Season with participation experts. Bake for three weekends at the Egmont Palace conference centre. And you’ll end up with the rich and ambitious views of citizens on the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in the EU.

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Hungary opposes Ukraine mission: “NATO should win peace, not wars”

Viktor Orbán reminded that NATO was started 75 years ago with the aim of protecting the security of its members. Today, however, it seems to have moved away from its original purpose, behaving more and more like a war organization. One of the signs of this is that NATO is taking an increasingly active role in the Russian-Ukrainian war, he added.

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Ukraine Compact: Declaration of support

The Ukraine Compact affirms that the security of Ukraine is integral to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region and beyond, and that we intend to support Ukraine until it prevails against Russia’s aggression.

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Pressestatement von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am zweiten Tag des NATO-Gipfels

“Die Vereinigten Staaten haben beschlossen, Präzisionsraketen in Deutschland zu stationieren – ein guter Beschluss, der zu dem passt, was wir bereits beschlossen haben. Schon auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz hatte ich darauf hingewiesen, dass wir solche Präzisionsflugkörper angesichts der verschiedensten von Russland in Europa installierten Waffensysteme brauchen” – Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz beim NATO-Gipfel in Washington D.C.

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Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Council by the Heads of State and Government

“Russia’s war against Ukraine has shattered peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and has had a profound impact on the safety, security, and welfare of billions of people around the world. Russia has not shown any genuine openness to a just and lasting peace. Allies welcome and support President Zelenskyy’s continuous commitment to advance a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace through his Peace Formula and the Peace Summit process, including the important first Summit in Switzerland” – NATO-Ukraine Council.

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Poland: NATO missile defence base now mission ready

A new U.S. ballistic missile defence site in Redzikowo, Poland is now operational and available for the defence of the Alliance. Dubbed “Aegis Ashore”, the site is part of a larger NATO missile shield and is designed to detect, track and intercept ballistic missiles in flight.

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U.S. Factsheet on the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington

NATO is as united as it has ever been and it is larger, stronger, and better resourced than ever. President Biden will reaffirm the United States’ unwavering commitment to the transatlantic bond and Article 5 of the Washington Treaty – that an attack on one is an attack on all.

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Short-term outlook of agricultural markets: Gradual but fragile return to stability

After severe shocks and high volatility, EU agricultural markets are showing positive signs of stabilising as input costs have steadily declined over the past months and food inflation has returned to a moderate rate. The macroeconomic and food price environment points to possible improvements in demand. Nonetheless, the outlook suffers from high degree of uncertainty, linked to weather events, geopolitical conflicts, as well as animal and plant diseases.

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radioactive, graphic, nuclear power plant

IAEA: Verifying spent nuclear fuel in deep geological repositories

As the world looks to alternatives to fossil fuels to combat climate change, several countries are developing nuclear power programmes to provide a sustainable source of low carbon energy. Countries operating nuclear reactors are responsible for providing geological disposal capacity for high-level radioactive waste.

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IAEA Director General update on the situation in Ukraine on 2 August 2024

The water level in the cooling pond at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) continues to decrease. Despite all reactors remaining in a state of cold-shutdown, availability of this water is important for nuclear safety of the plant, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said today.

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EU publishes real-world CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of cars and vans

The new data was recorded in 2022, using fuel consumption monitors installed on-board vehicles first registered in the EU in 2021 and 2022, and reported to the Commission in 2023. Compared to the previous publication, the data for cars now originates from a broader sample of 2.2 million vehicles registered in 2021 and 740 000 vehicles registered in 2022.

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